When you double click into a card/ gantt line, would love the ability to only show a sub selection of whatever columns were picked in the report vs someone having access to all that's available from the original sheet.
Currently when we create reports, we love the clean view of only a few data points in a card view or Gantt view (with some hidden columns) for a higher level reporting for executives/leaders, but then being able to allow people to double click into the card/ gantt line if they need to troubleshoot or want more information as to "why" (perhaps on something in red status). However, our original sheets may have a ton more information than what's needed for a specific audience looking (including hidden column formulas we don't want people really to see) due to using portfolio summary sheets that are being pulled in from various different control center blueprints. This is confusing for the user and leads to perceptions of a complex, not user friendly product especially the higher level executives that we were originally trying to get clean cuts for. It also affects user adoption of the product.