Activity log of all smartsheet usage under my admin
现在有一个API或某种程度上发现了什么the last time a smartsheet was accessed? I don't want to have to traverse the settings behind each smartsheet and export a report one-by-one.
I didn't see any recent threads about some API access to that information.
Thank you!!
ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
It may depend on the type of plan you have and the your rights under that plan. As an Admin on an Enterprise plan, I have access to that information.
PMTommy ✭
Yea, I have access to it as our primary admin. I can pull activity PER sheet, but I want to generate a report for all sheets with the click of a button and not by having to go thru each sheet. Then with that report I can gather the info I need about how they are being used.
Thanks for the response.
I was just trying to do this myself and had the same desire. Also, the format of the activity log is not conducive to analysis.
ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
With an Enterprise plan, under User Management / More Actions you can download a Sheet Access report that will provide the last modified date/time for all sheets.
Hope this helps
PMTommy ✭
Thanks at @ker9, but we are not asking for last time a sheet was modified. We want a report across all sheets in an account to show last time accessed. That's how we will know if sheets are being used.
We can do it per user, but I cannot log in to over 100 users (or get them to share with the admin) to check every sheet. And why doesn't an admin by default have access to all sheets.
It's all good. We are in the process of moving off of Smartsheet because we do not have a clear way of auditing across all users.
Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭
I hope you're well and safe!
Have you looked into the Event Reporting add-on?
It can provide you with much more information. Is that an option?
More info:
Would that work/help?
I hope that helps!
Be safe, and have a fantastic week!
Andrée Starå| Workflow Consultant / CEO @WORK BOLD
✅Did my post(s) help or answer your question or solve your problem? Please support the Community bymarking it Insightful/Vote Up, Awesome, or/and as the accepted answer. It will make it easier for others to find a solution or help to answer!
Andrée Starå| Workflow Consultant / CEO @WORK BOLD| E:[email protected]| P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35
Feel free to contact me about help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or something else entirely.
PMTommy ✭
@Andrée StaråIs that a paid add-on? I'll have to check and see if we have the Enterprise plan as well.
See below link:<\/p>
https:\/\/\/tag\/groups#operation\/add-group<\/a><\/p>"}]}},"status":{"statusID":3,"name":"Accepted","state":"closed","recordType":"discussion","recordSubType":"question"},"bookmarked":false,"unread":false,"category":{"categoryID":320,"name":"API & Developers","url":"https:\/\/\/categories\/api-developers","allowedDiscussionTypes":[]},"reactions":[{"tagID":3,"urlcode":"Promote","name":"Promote","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":5,"count":0},{"tagID":5,"urlcode":"Insightful","name":"Insightful","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0},{"tagID":11,"urlcode":"Up","name":"Vote Up","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0},{"tagID":13,"urlcode":"Awesome","name":"Awesome","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0}],"tags":[{"tagID":227,"urlcode":"api-and-developers","name":"API and Developers"},{"tagID":442,"urlcode":"groups-and-group-management","name":"Groups and Group Management"}]},{"discussionID":106741,"type":"question","name":"Using the API to get attachment URLs","excerpt":"I have PDF row attachments in a sheet. I need to get a direct URL to the attachment but I can't see a way to do this in the API. Using the GUI to \"send\" the file provides a link - so I'm trying to get something similar through the API. I'm aware that the the URL using the GUI method expires after 30 days. I would prefer…","categoryID":320,"dateInserted":"2023-06-21T22:40:34+00:00","dateUpdated":null,"dateLastComment":"2023-06-22T20:21:40+00:00","insertUserID":150432,"insertUser":{"userID":150432,"name":"jzadra","url":"https:\/\/\/profile\/jzadra","photoUrl":"https:\/\/\/6031209\/uploads\/defaultavatar\/nWRMFRX6I99I6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-06-26T19:32:15+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭"},"updateUserID":null,"lastUserID":150432,"lastUser":{"userID":150432,"name":"jzadra","url":"https:\/\/\/profile\/jzadra","photoUrl":"https:\/\/\/6031209\/uploads\/defaultavatar\/nWRMFRX6I99I6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-06-26T19:32:15+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭"},"pinned":false,"pinLocation":null,"closed":false,"sink":false,"countComments":2,"countViews":34,"score":null,"hot":3374853734,"url":"https:\/\/\/discussion\/106741\/using-the-api-to-get-attachment-urls","canonicalUrl":"https:\/\/\/discussion\/106741\/using-the-api-to-get-attachment-urls","format":"Rich","tagIDs":[227,268],"lastPost":{"discussionID":106741,"commentID":381846,"name":"Re: Using the API to get attachment URLs","url":"https:\/\/\/discussion\/comment\/381846#Comment_381846","dateInserted":"2023-06-22T20:21:40+00:00","insertUserID":150432,"insertUser":{"userID":150432,"name":"jzadra","url":"https:\/\/\/profile\/jzadra","photoUrl":"https:\/\/\/6031209\/uploads\/defaultavatar\/nWRMFRX6I99I6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-06-26T19:32:15+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭"}},"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Home","url":"https:\/\/\/"},{"name":"API & Developers","url":"https:\/\/\/categories\/api-developers"}],"groupID":null,"statusID":3,"attributes":{"question":{"status":"accepted","dateAccepted":"2023-06-22T20:20:13+00:00","dateAnswered":"2023-06-22T00:36:56+00:00","acceptedAnswers":[{"commentID":381653,"body":"
substituting $Sheet_ID for the sheet ID and get the attachment id for each row<\/p>