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Remove or Increase Cross Sheet Reference Limitations

Please consider removing or increasing cross-sheet reference limitations. I recently built a solution that would require me to manage 3-4 sheets each month for monthly audit results tracking from Joint Commission. I spent weeks building and testing and at the end had to add more questions (total of about 125 to the form. Two days ago, I was adding the new info and cross-references for metrics and I reached the limit. I spent the last two days working non-stop to restructure the sheets to bi-pass the limits (on a holiday weekend). Now, I have approx 15 sheets to manage and still not sure I can make it past a couple of months for metrics/reporting. It is also important that I maintain past months/year's data for Joint Commission for each clinic (approx 125) - I created regional scorecards listing each clinic's results. The limitations just made managing the build much more inefficient and difficult and I am still worried I will reach the max soon, breaking everything again for a rebuild. This is not scalable. Thanks for your consideration.

9 votes

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  • I love Smartsheet. I think it is a wonderful program.

    在使用内容a couple of large organizations that have a high volume of transactions, etc., however, I have run up against the limits of Smartsheet so much that it comes close to negating all of the benefits.

    I am sure I am not the only one who would appreciate the following limits be removed (I don’t know if it’s server space or what needs to be done):

    1. 500,000 cell limit for a sheet
    2. 100,000 cells referenced in a sheet (this comes up a LOT and to deal with it I end up making 20+ extra sheets to try to recombine data for reports that shouldn’t be necessary)
    3. report limits—I’m less familiar with these but something like 2500 rows (large organizations have a lot of data)

    And then the other big limitation is the processing time. When dealing with larger amounts of data it takes be 3-4 times as long as it should to complete tasks because every time I have to open a sheet or reference another sheet I have to wait for several minutes. It takes me less time to do the work in the sheet than it does for the sheet to open most of the time (and this is when I’m creating them)

    Again, Smartsheet is a wonderful tool. It is my most frequent choice when I’m working with a company to organize their data and set up workflows, etc.. These are just things that would absolutely change things for the better.

  • Swicker
    edited 08/15/23

    I absolutely ditto this! If Smartsheet wants to be used in large companies for wide-scale solutions - it will be critical to expand their cell limitations and speed up the processing time.

  • Riaan Kotze
    Riaan Kotze ✭✭
    edited 07/05/23

    Hi guys, kindly look into it to remove the cross-referencing limitation. I have to build a report over 12 months, reporting on each month, with quarterly reports as well as YT reports and the cross referencing is completely breaking my

    Please I love SS and would really like to build this report on the platform.

    Best regards,

  • Swicker
    edited 08/15/23

    添加我的支持改进!一般increasing the capacity of sheets to reference other sheets/reports/dashboards, etc. would greatly improve my ability to develop company wide Smartsheet solutions.

  • I've a employee weekly survey running over SmartSheet Sheets, it's being very tough to create new data/KPIs as there is a hard limitation of Cross Reference Sheet, I suggest to at least double current number