Dashboard Chart Widget Colors Automated?
We have a dashboard with lots of charts that show green, yellow, or red dependent on status from the source report.
Ran into an instance today where the series was labeled green, but was showing the red harvey ball (meaning that our dashboard was reflecting 17 red projects instead of the correct 17 green). In a hurry, I made the manual adjustment to correct the green harvey/green title correlation to return it to normal.
Is this supposed to update automatically? Wondering how I can prevent it from occurring in the future.
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
If the "Green" value hadn't appeared before in your chart (so there was no manual colour of green assigned at the time of chart creation) then when a new value appears, the chart automatically picks a colour at random. It sounds like in your case this unfortunately happened to be red!
现在你也e set it to be green, this value will be green on that chart in the future.
You would use the below for Jan 2023 and adjust the month and year numbers accordingly for each of the other months.<\/p>
=IF(AND(MONTH([Start Date]@row)<= 1, YEAR([Start Date]@row)<= 2023, MONTH([End Date]@row)>= 1, YEAR([End Date]@row)>= 2023), [$ per month]@row)<\/p>"},{"commentID":387901,"body":"
Lets try a different approach.<\/p>
=IF(AND(VALUE(YEAR([Start Date]@row) + IF(MONTH(Start Date]@row)< 10, \"0\", \"//www.santa-greenland.com/community/discussion/104968/\") + MONTH([Start Date]@row))<= 202307<\/strong>, VALUE(YEAR([End Date]@row) + IF(MONTH([End Date]@row)< 10, \"0\", \"//www.santa-greenland.com/community/discussion/104968/\") + MONTH([End Date]@row))>= 202307<\/strong>), [$ per month]@row)<\/p> Basically we are creating a yyyymm stamp from the start and end dates and comparing them to the yyyymm stamp for that year\/month combo. The above is for July 2023 (202307).<\/p>"},{"commentID":387906,"body":"