CountIF Formula for Dates in the Past

I am trying to amend a current formula I am using to track enrollment. Currently, I have this formula:

=COUNTIF([Date of Injection]1:[Date of Injection]100, ISDATE(@cell)) which counts the amount of cells that have a date so my team can track how many animals we have enrolled in a certain project.

I want to change this to count the number of cells with a date but only if that date is in the past so my sheet summary data accurately reflects current enrollment.

Is this possible?


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Hi @CamSME<\/a> <\/p>

I hope you're well and safe!<\/p>

Unfortunately, it's not possible now, but it's an excellent idea!<\/p>

Please submit this as a Product Feedback or Idea <\/strong>(If it hasn't been added already)<\/em><\/strong> when you have a moment.<\/strong><\/a><\/p>

Here's a possible workaround or workarounds <\/strong><\/p>