How to make a manual Row ID based on conditions?
I'm not even sure if this is possible but I invite all the formula wizards to take a crack at it!
I have this intake sheet with 10 rows, all that have a corresponding auto-generated Row ID from the system column. Row 1 is 23-001, row 2 is 23-002, row 3 is 23-003, etc. When a project gets approved, I want another column, lets call it 'Salutation', to pull that Row ID. Otherwise, the 'Salutation' column will be left blank. For example:
Row 1 gets approved. Row 2 gets denied. Row 3 gets approved. So the 'Salutation' for 1 will get triggered to pull the Row ID and it will show "23-001". But then, I want row 3 to pull what Row 2 would have gotten if it was approved. Meaning, I don't want row 3's 'Salutation' to be "23-003". I want it to be "23-002". I always want the 'Salutation' column to grab what's next in line if that makes sense.
Is there a formula that can achieve this?
Best Answer
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
Here's an example formula that may be able to help you:
=IF([email protected]<> "Approved", "", INDEX([Row ID]:[Row ID], COUNTIF(Status$1:[email protected], "Approved")))
This first says, if the Status isnotapproved, then return a blank cell.
=IF([email protected]<> "Approved", "",
Otherwise, use the INDEX function to look into the Row ID column and bring back the row on the list that's the same number of "Approved" rows there are, specific to this current row.
Notice that the COUNTIF function references the top row cell: Status$1 and then the range goes down to the current row cell:[email protected]
Because of this, you won't be able to turn it into a column formula. However you can drag-fill this down the column and then all new rows will auto-populate with the formula as long as new rows are added immediately under current rows. See:Use or Override Automatic Formatting and Formula Autofill
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
Here's an example formula that may be able to help you:
=IF([email protected]<> "Approved", "", INDEX([Row ID]:[Row ID], COUNTIF(Status$1:[email protected], "Approved")))
This first says, if the Status isnotapproved, then return a blank cell.
=IF(S[email protected]<> "Approved", "",
Otherwise, use the INDEX function to look into the Row ID column and bring back the row on the list that's the same number of "Approved" rows there are, specific to this current row.
Notice that the COUNTIF function references the top row cell: Status$1 and then the range goes down to the current row cell:[email protected]
Because of this, you won't be able to turn it into a column formula. However you can drag-fill this down the column and then all new rows will auto-populate with the formula as long as new rows are added immediately under current rows. See:Use or Override Automatic Formatting and Formula Autofill
I'll try it@Genevieve P.! Thank you!
@Genevieve P.that worked, thank you so much! That's a useful trick to keep in mind.
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
Awesome! Glad I could help
Help Article Resources
If I understand correctly, this may help.<\/p>
=AVERAGEIF({date of request}, MONTH(@cell) = 2, {Ack SLA})<\/p>"}]}},"status":{"statusID":3,"name":"Accepted","state":"closed","recordType":"discussion","recordSubType":"question"},"bookmarked":false,"unread":false,"category":{"categoryID":322,"name":"Formulas and Functions","url":"https:\/\/\/categories\/formulas-and-functions","allowedDiscussionTypes":[]},"reactions":[{"tagID":3,"urlcode":"Promote","name":"Promote","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":5,"count":0},{"tagID":5,"urlcode":"Insightful","name":"Insightful","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0},{"tagID":11,"urlcode":"Up","name":"Vote Up","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0},{"tagID":13,"urlcode":"Awesome","name":"Awesome","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0}],"tags":[{"tagID":254,"urlcode":"Formulas","name":"Formulas"}]},{"discussionID":107116,"type":"question","name":"I'd like to create a column formula that references a specific cell with acceptable syntax","excerpt":"I have a sheet that has a column of dates that autofill based on another date. Specifically, each row has target end dates based on weeks ahead of the date that I want to reference. This is to make sure tasks are started on time in relation to the overall start date. My formula is currently: =[Target End Date]1 - ([Task…","snippet":"I have a sheet that has a column of dates that autofill based on another date. Specifically, each row has target end dates based on weeks ahead of the date that I want to…","categoryID":322,"dateInserted":"2023-06-29T23:48:12+00:00","dateUpdated":null,"dateLastComment":"2023-06-30T22:48:54+00:00","insertUserID":163028,"insertUser":{"userID":163028,"name":"jcabaniss","url":"https:\/\/\/profile\/jcabaniss","photoUrl":"https:\/\/\/6031209\/uploads\/defaultavatar\/nWRMFRX6I99I6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-07-01T02:58:52+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭"},"updateUserID":null,"lastUserID":129958,"lastUser":{"userID":129958,"name":"Lucas Rayala","title":"Program Manager","url":"https:\/\/\/profile\/Lucas%20Rayala","photoUrl":"https:\/\/\/storageProxy\/image\/images\/u!1!3C9S_9DsC3w!XMDTX-y-BOY!7HVumwhOGBb","dateLastActive":"2023-07-01T15:43:12+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭✭✭✭✭"},"pinned":false,"pinLocation":null,"closed":false,"sink":false,"countComments":3,"countViews":35,"score":null,"hot":3376249626,"url":"https:\/\/\/discussion\/107116\/id-like-to-create-a-column-formula-that-references-a-specific-cell-with-acceptable-syntax","canonicalUrl":"https:\/\/\/discussion\/107116\/id-like-to-create-a-column-formula-that-references-a-specific-cell-with-acceptable-syntax","format":"Rich","lastPost":{"discussionID":107116,"commentID":383416,"name":"Re: I'd like to create a column formula that references a specific cell with acceptable syntax","url":"https:\/\/\/discussion\/comment\/383416#Comment_383416","dateInserted":"2023-06-30T22:48:54+00:00","insertUserID":129958,"insertUser":{"userID":129958,"name":"Lucas Rayala","title":"Program Manager","url":"https:\/\/\/profile\/Lucas%20Rayala","photoUrl":"https:\/\/\/storageProxy\/image\/images\/u!1!3C9S_9DsC3w!XMDTX-y-BOY!7HVumwhOGBb","dateLastActive":"2023-07-01T15:43:12+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭✭✭✭✭"}},"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Home","url":"https:\/\/\/"},{"name":"Formulas and Functions","url":"https:\/\/\/categories\/formulas-and-functions"}],"groupID":null,"statusID":3,"attributes":{"question":{"status":"accepted","dateAccepted":"2023-06-30T15:52:25+00:00","dateAnswered":"2023-06-30T00:15:36+00:00","acceptedAnswers":[{"commentID":383245,"body":"
@jcabaniss<\/a> , swap out this:<\/p>