August Question of the Month Join the conversation and receive a badge!
Hi everyone,
New month, new question and another opportunity for you to earn badges and points while getting to know your peers!
Where or who do you turn to for Smartsheet advice?
Whether the Smartsheet Community, Social channels or peers within your office we want to hear about where you get your Smartsheet advice/help.
Please share your answer in the comments below. ⬇️
About Question of the Month:
Each month we introduce a new question. These monthly ice breakers are just one way to help you get to know your Smartsheet peers and rack up some badges and points in the process.
Everyone who participates by answering the question prior to the end of the month will automatically receive a unique participant badge once the question closes at the end of the month.
除了参与者徽章,前3个e answers based on Community member votes will receive the Top Answer badge. To vote on an answer click on the upvote icon associated with an answer in the comments below. Multiple votes allowed and encouraged!
Joe Goetschel ✭✭✭✭✭✭
Since I am the SME at my company I either look here on this amazing community or reach out to my CSM!
Most of the time the Community has my answer!!
- Joe Goetschel
Darla Brown Overachievers
I have a couple of coworkers I refer to as my Rubber Ducky. When I get stuck, I walk through the issue, and because they are listening I tend to solve the problem myself. But beyond that - it's the Community!! I love interacting with this group of SmartNerds!!
Darla Brown
What you meditate on, you empower!
Overachiever - Core Product Certified - Mobilizer - EAP
MMcLain ✭✭✭
Smartsheet Community or Google it.
RebSchr ✭✭✭✭
This is by far the easiest answer to all the questions so far.....
HERE- this wonderful community.
Natalia ✭✭✭
Initially while I was learning how to use Smartsheet, I watched many of the videos in the help & learning page but now I'm always searching the Smartsheet community for similar scenarios or questions I have. It's been a lifesaver! If I'm having a very difficult time to get my formula working properly, I do reach out and call smartsheet support and they have always been very prompt and helpful to take a look with me. Thank you, Smartsheet Community!
juliedesselle ✭✭✭
I love the Smartsheet Community. I've had my questions answered within the minutes of searching.
Rachel Martin Employee
When I am looking for an answer I lean on my peers, the Community, or I will Google my question and the cheat code is to always add "Smartsheet" at the end for results!
Kitty ✭✭✭✭✭
I always turn to the Community for any problems I encounter. And someone always has the "fix" I need to straighten out the problem!
Jim Wilson ✭✭✭
We have only recently transitioned, transitioning, to Smartsheet and I have switched roles to devote the majority of my time for project management. I have spent many hours reviewing the training videos and walking through the Self-paced learning that is available. I need to spend more time poking around the community pages. There is a wealth of insights to learn from everyone here.
Sherry Fox ✭✭✭✭✭✭
I am the go to person at my company regarding Smartsheet. If I need with a formula, I will go to the to the Formula Book first (IU love that thing!!!!). But sometimes I require a better explanation, or because my problem is complex. That is when I make a beeline to the Smartsheet Community. Answers are posted fast by people who have quickly become among my friends. I feel I literally know many of the Smartsheet Community people as we spend so much time together. I will also spend time at Smartsheet University. I lover Smartsheet, and before I had this job, I never used it. My boss got me an Admin license and had me creating almost immediately!!!!!
Sherry Fox
Project Analyst | Core Quality Services (QMS Transformation)
Frank S. ✭✭✭✭✭✭
My list of Smarthseet resources:
- Smartsheet Community Discussions
- Smartsheet Mobilizer Community
- Smartsheet CSM
- Pray - there is nowhere else to go.
Leslie Kuhlman ✭✭✭
The Community and google.
adam.b ✭✭✭✭
While I am not the Admin to my company, and it did not start with me at my company going to SS, I am the person that everyone goes to, since I am the main person that creates forms, databases, reports, and dashboards. If I cannot find it in the community, I search YouTube, or I can usually figure it out on my own since SS is super easy to use and configure.
Beth B ✭✭
At my past company, I was the Smartsheet admin and guru. At my current company, I'm not an admin anymore :( but I'm a power user。所以,尽管大多数人到我这里来寻求答案,I come here to all of you awesome people!!
juliesilverio ✭✭✭
The Smartsheet Community, SmartsheetU, and user groups are the best!