









  • 贝琪绿色
    贝琪绿色 ✭✭✭✭✭



  • 嗨贝琪


  • 贝琪绿色
    贝琪绿色 ✭✭✭✭✭



    • 有待办事项的迭代调度——这听起来像是你正在尝试的
      • 需求记录在用户存储库中,在开发之前对其进行优先级排序
      • 功能是在sprint中创建的
      • 理想情况下,其中一些可交付成果可以在您进行的过程中完成并交给客户,而不是一次完成所有工作
      • 你的日程安排将与开发团队一起决定每个sprint的内容以及每个sprint需要多长时间才能完成。在此基础上,你可以制定出某种时间表。
      • 所以,它更像是,“嘿,我们每三周发布一次。以下是我们计划在每个版本中添加的内容。”
      • 时间表将是迭代的。它只是不会像瀑布环境中的进度管理那样工作。
    • 按需调度,使用看板,它看起来很像Smartsheet中的卡片视图。
      • 当资源可用时,工作被放入backlog或队列中欧宝体育app官方888
      • 您可能会得到一个估计,因为每个排队交付的优先级
      • 这对于增量更改更有效
      • 这就像是,“这里有一张需要做的事情的清单。好消息是,Sarah可以创建这个功能,两周内就能完成。”



  • 罗伯特•波达尔






    4.一旦Sprint完成,剩余的票据将转移到Backlog /下一个Sprint。再一次,下一组票被拿起来,擦洗和估计。时间表/计划相应更新。





  • Hi Betsy, <\/p>\n

    Yes, you are right. Coming from a waterfall background, it is very difficult to put a project schedule\/plan in place. I have been going through some articles, videos and this is what i have understood; but i am not 100% sure if this is how scheduling needs to be done. <\/p>\n

    1. Tickets for the release are into the product backlog. <\/p>\n

    2. During the Sprint planning, the tickets are scrubbed and estimated. The team decides on the tickets that will go into the Sprint and the Sprint duration is identified. <\/p>\n

    3. At this point, the project schedule \/ plan will indicate the list of tickets that have agreed by the team in Sprnt1. <\/p>\n

    4. Once the Sprint is completed, the residue tickets will move to the Backlog \/ next Sprint. Once again the next set of tickets are taken up and scrubbed & estimated. The schedule \/ plan is updated accordingly. <\/p>\n

    If this the \"right\" way \/ method to prepare the schedule, then one thing is that there isn't any Baseline concept in Agile. If there isn't then the project manager cannot track the plan v\/s actual. <\/p>\n

    If this is the case, then is it ok if the PO indicates a date when he would like a release and the team works on the tickets to meet that date? As the team goes along, some non critical tickets may need to be dropped in order to meet the release date. The project schedule \/ plan will not be a reference tool, but a tool for the actual work done, across how many Sprints. <\/p>\n

    For future similar project, we use the project schedule \/ plan to indicate how many months it has taken the team to make a release. <\/p>\n

    I too am interested to know how Smartsheet community and the Smartsheet team has been preparing their respective project schedule \/ plans.. Hope to get some help.. <\/p>","bodyRaw":"

    Hi Betsy, <\/p>\n\n

    Yes, you are right. Coming from a waterfall background, it is very difficult to put a project schedule\/plan in place. I have been going through some articles, videos and this is what i have understood; but i am not 100% sure if this is how scheduling needs to be done. <\/p>\n\n

    1. Tickets for the release are into the product backlog. <\/p>\n\n

    2. During the Sprint planning, the tickets are scrubbed and estimated. The team decides on the tickets that will go into the Sprint and the Sprint duration is identified. <\/p>\n\n

    3. At this point, the project schedule \/ plan will indicate the list of tickets that have agreed by the team in Sprnt1. <\/p>\n\n

    4. Once the Sprint is completed, the residue tickets will move to the Backlog \/ next Sprint. Once again the next set of tickets are taken up and scrubbed & estimated. The schedule \/ plan is updated accordingly. <\/p>\n\n

    If this the \"right\" way \/ method to prepare the schedule, then one thing is that there isn't any Baseline concept in Agile. If there isn't then the project manager cannot track the plan v\/s actual. <\/p>\n\n

    If this is the case, then is it ok if the PO indicates a date when he would like a release and the team works on the tickets to meet that date? As the team goes along, some non critical tickets may need to be dropped in order to meet the release date. The project schedule \/ plan will not be a reference tool, but a tool for the actual work done, across how many Sprints. <\/p>\n\n

    For future similar project, we use the project schedule \/ plan to indicate how many months it has taken the team to make a release. <\/p>\n\n

    I too am interested to know how Smartsheet community and the Smartsheet team has been preparing their respective project schedule \/ plans.. Hope to get some help.. <\/p>","format":"html","dateInserted":"2018-08-16T02:54:04+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":5523,"name":"Robert Poddar","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/profile\/Robert%20Poddar","photoUrl":"https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/6031209\/uploads\/defaultavatar\/nWRMFRX6I99I6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2019-02-28T07:58:01+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭"},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":false,"showPostLink":false,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/discussion\/comment\/95286#Comment_95286","embedType":"quote"}"> https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/comment/95286#Comment_95286
