Does anyone know of an R package for interacting with Smartsheet? Are there folks using R with Smartsheet?
I am considering a project using R and I might start building out a package.
Corinne Flanagan Employee
Hi Craig!
I'm not aware of any specific instances of R package and Smartsheet integrations.
If you haven't already explored our Developer Portal, that resource is located here:https://developers.smartsheet.com
Github is another available resource that might be useful:https://github.com/
Thanks for posting in the Community!
Jonas ✭
Hi Craig,
It would be wonderful news if you do. It's very unfortunate that there is no ease of connecting with Smartsheet using R.
Hi Corinne,
Are there plans to create such an integration?
shens7 ✭
Hi Craig,
I am looking forward to a package that can link smartsheet and R.
At least for reading data from Smartsheet into R I use the jdbc driver from cdata. It's not free though.
This is some sample code:
drv <- JDBC("cdata.jdbc.smartsheet.SmartsheetDriver","C:/Program Files/CData/CData JDBC Driver for Smartsheet 2016/lib/cdata.jdbc.smartsheet.jar")
conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:smartsheet:OAuthAccessToken=*** ;CallbackURL=http://localhost:33333;LogFile=C:\\SmartSheet.txt;Verbosit y=3")
df <- dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from Sheet_Name_xyz")
Any progress on something like this?
I found this package on GitHub, but have not tried using it yet:
I am actively using R for analytics and looking forward to having a more reliable tool for accessing smartsheets with RMarkdown docs.
I have created a small but extensible smartsheet API client library for R:https://github.com/cole-johanson/smartsheetr
I will be actively maintaining this, so please submit feedback/issues usinghttps://github.com/cole-johanson/smartsheetr/issues. Thanks!