Referring to a Cell in Another Sheet that Contains an Hyperlink
I am wanting to refer to a cell (or find a match in a range of cells) in Sheet 1. The cell in Sheet 1 contains a hyperlink.
What I get in Sheet 2, however, is just the text in the cell, not the text as a hyperlink.
Sheet 1 (contents of cell, text as hyperlink):
What I get in Sheet 2:(text but no hyperlink)
BUS 123 6Wk Online
One of the formulas I tested in Sheet 2:
=LEFT({Course Master Record Range 1}, LEN({Course Master Record Range 1}))
I get the text, but the hyperlink doesn't "come with it".
It doesn't seem to matter what formula I use, they are reference the same cell (or range), and all I get is the text, not the hyperlinks.
Shaine Greenwood Employee
There isn't a way to preserve the hyperlink when referencing cells that contain a hyperlink with display text.
You'd need to have the hyperlink without the display text in a cell. Here's a potential workaround for this:
- Create a new column
- Copy and paste all of your hyperlinked cells to the new column
- Right-click the cells in the new column and select Hyperlink, then delete the text (you'll have to do this to each individual cell
- Use a VLOOKUP function to return the hyperlink when the display text is found on that cell (more on VLOOKUP here)
This will require that you have a "hyperlink" column in each of your sheets.
Erik Beltran ✭✭✭
Can you shed some light if instead of an external hyperlink i am pointing to a Smartsheet item?
Would i need to get the actual URL of the Smartsheet item and then do the workaround?
Shaine - I have a similar issue but not with display text. I have the full URL in my cells, but any time I try to reference that cell (whether VLOOKUP, or =[cell] etc.. ) only a portion of the URL is hyperlinked, so in the referenced cell, the hyperlink does not work (since it is not the full url that the browser is trying to find).
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
Can you post a screen capture of what you're seeing (but block out sensitive data)?
As long as the full URL is displayed in the original cell and is clickable in that cell, a formula or cell-link referencing that cell should pull the full URL over as well.
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I figured it out! Updated formula to get the 2 decimal places as well.<\/p>
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You were, indeed, very close.<\/p>
=IF([Invoice Received?]@row = 0, IF(AND([Renewal Date]@row >= TODAY(), [Renewal Date]@row <= TODAY(+30)), \"Red\"))<\/p>"},{"commentID":390264,"body":"