Tableau Online vs Server
Looking to link a Tableau dashboard to my Smartsheet dashboard, but according to thislinkwe have to use Tableau Online. Will a link to Tableau Server also work? All my testing is giving me an error for invalid URL so asking here. We don't use Tableau Online due to it being outside our firewall.
Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭
Hi Kaili,
Unfortunately, Tableau online will only work because it has to be an embed code (iframe)
Tableau Online Embeddingis supportedfromthe cloud TableauOnline app only (Tableau on-premis not supported).
- Go to the Tableau contentthatyou want to embed and clickShare.
- Select the linknotthe embed code.
NOTE: TheWeb Content widget acceptsiframecode only—the embed code will include a
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