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Web Form Submission
![Matt K.](https://us.v-cdn.net/6031209/uploads/defaultavatar/nWRMFRX6I99I6.jpg)
We here at the bank are using web forms religiously. My question is, how can we make it so that when a user submits a web form, it automatically logs the name of the person who submitted the form? It may not be possible considering web forms are public (as long as they have the link). The workaround right now is having a required field that asks them to enter their first and last name. However, they could enter any name they wish into this field. We want to use a web form for people to request access to a sensitive bank product but it can only be requested by the manager. If we make the form live, anyone could request on their behalf by entering the manager name. Hope this makes sense...
Travis Employee
Hi Matt, as you have seen, web forms are public - anyone with the URL can view and submit the web form anonymously. How many managers do you have filling out these forms? If there are only a small number, you could create a separate web form for each manager. In each web form, add each manager’s name as the default value in the field that shows who submitted the web form then hide this field. Distribute the URLs only to the respective manager and let them know not to share the web form.
Another option (or use with the option above), once the web form is submitted, send an update request to the manager asking them to check a box in the row to approve the request.
Matt K. ✭
Thanks for the reply, Travis. Decent workarounds you've mentioned, I especially like the update request route.
Amina ✭
Thank you for the question and the answer. Our dept has expanded so it may come in handy.
Oliver ✭
I have developed a range of field inspection sheets for various projects. On each project there will be 1 of 3 people doing the inspection - I have created simple radio button choices (can be drop down as an alternate), with their company initials and their name initials (for example ATS-OPT would be my unique ID). Then you can make that field mandatory so it can't be submitted unless it's selected.
If you're after a more secure method, the request update option listed above is a good option.
I personally have forms that I need done securely on a local domain I have setup (using an embed code to present the form) and have setup user accounts for people. That way I can control who can see what form quite easily, but it is still conveinient for them instead of having all these diferent links. You do have to pay for a subscription on most hosting sites in order to set up user accounts, but the cost is pretty minimal for a business and it is extremely useful for other things as well. I call mine the "Employee Portal" and we can upload various forms and applications on there as well (leave, sick etc). Weebly.com hosts mine.
Hope the above made at least a little sense to you, good luck!
还是有可能为每个提交的a web form to have a unique ID# ?
John Sauber ✭✭✭✭✭✭
We use Google credentials to sign into Smartsheet. Since we are signed into Google Chrome (it's the Windows-based browser that performs best with Smartsheet), when we open one of our web forms, it is conceivable that Smartsheet could query if the web form user is signed into Google. I assume this is how it works when we make our way to a sheet, and we're prompted with the sign-in, and we just click the "g" button (image below).
If there were an option in the web form where we could enable or disable a "check for Google Credentials," that would be really neat.
Travis Employee
Hi Matt - in our latest update, we added the ability for you to force users to log into Smartsheet before they can fill out a web form. When this is enabled, the sheet will track the information of the user who completed the web form. To view this information, you can use the View History function or add a Created By system column to your sheet.
This can be enabled in a web form by editing the form and going to Form Options > Accessible by.
Travis Employee
Hi Deborah, data validation is not something we offer at the moment but I'll add you vote for it! You could add help text in the web form to ask the user filling out the form to use full names or any other restrictions you want to relay.
Lou L ✭
Hi Deborah, If you use a drop down menu, then they sellect the spelling in your menu. That way you can make calculations based on the choice from the menu. I found this very helpful when I was trying to determine what time of day someone left on a business trip. I could search on "Before 7:30" much easier than try to calculate from a mismash of time entries. Hope this helps.
Instead of applying the formula to \"Multiselect Text String\" row, did you tried with \"Multiselect Values\" row?<\/p>
=IF(HAS([Multiselect Values]@row, [Component ID]@row), \"MATCH\", \"NO MATCH\")<\/p>
Thank you,<\/p>"}]}},"status":{"statusID":3,"name":"Accepted","state":"closed","recordType":"discussion","recordSubType":"question"},"bookmarked":false,"unread":false,"category":{"categoryID":322,"name":"Formulas and Functions","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/categories\/formulas-and-functions","allowedDiscussionTypes":[]},"reactions":[{"tagID":3,"urlcode":"Promote","name":"Promote","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":5,"count":0},{"tagID":5,"urlcode":"Insightful","name":"Insightful","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0},{"tagID":11,"urlcode":"Up","name":"Vote Up","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0},{"tagID":13,"urlcode":"Awesome","name":"Awesome","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0}],"tags":[]},{"discussionID":109493,"type":"question","name":"I am having trouble using \"And\", \"OR\" & \"Countif(s)\" to build a formula.","excerpt":"Hello, I am attempting to come up with a sheet summary formula that counts cells if they meet at least one of 3 different statuses in the same column, AND also meet one of 5 different statuses in a separate column. So using the screenshot I've provided as an example (although it doesn't have 5 different statuses in the…","snippet":"Hello, I am attempting to come up with a sheet summary formula that counts cells if they meet at least one of 3 different statuses in the same column, AND also meet one of 5…","categoryID":322,"dateInserted":"2023-08-25T20:03:21+00:00","dateUpdated":null,"dateLastComment":"2023-08-26T00:34:49+00:00","insertUserID":165710,"insertUser":{"userID":165710,"name":"SmarsheetNewb","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/profile\/SmarsheetNewb","photoUrl":"https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/6031209\/uploads\/defaultavatar\/nWRMFRX6I99I6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-08-26T00:33:27+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭"},"updateUserID":null,"lastUserID":161714,"lastUser":{"userID":161714,"name":"Carson Penticuff","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/profile\/Carson%20Penticuff","photoUrl":"https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/6031209\/uploads\/userpics\/B0Q390EZX8XK\/nBGT0U1689CN6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-08-26T01:04:51+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭✭✭✭✭✭"},"pinned":false,"pinLocation":null,"closed":false,"sink":false,"countComments":3,"countViews":23,"score":null,"hot":3386005690,"url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/discussion\/109493\/i-am-having-trouble-using-and-or-countif-s-to-build-a-formula","canonicalUrl":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/discussion\/109493\/i-am-having-trouble-using-and-or-countif-s-to-build-a-formula","format":"Rich","tagIDs":[254],"lastPost":{"discussionID":109493,"commentID":392692,"name":"Re: I am having trouble using \"And\", \"OR\" & \"Countif(s)\" to build a formula.","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/discussion\/comment\/392692#Comment_392692","dateInserted":"2023-08-26T00:34:49+00:00","insertUserID":161714,"insertUser":{"userID":161714,"name":"Carson Penticuff","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/profile\/Carson%20Penticuff","photoUrl":"https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/6031209\/uploads\/userpics\/B0Q390EZX8XK\/nBGT0U1689CN6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-08-26T01:04:51+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭✭✭✭✭✭"}},"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Home","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/"},{"name":"Get Help","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/categories\/get-help"},{"name":"Formulas and Functions","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/categories\/formulas-and-functions"}],"groupID":null,"statusID":3,"attributes":{"question":{"status":"accepted","dateAccepted":"2023-08-26T00:33:25+00:00","dateAnswered":"2023-08-25T20:44:12+00:00","acceptedAnswers":[{"commentID":392662,"body":"
Try this:<\/p>
=COUNTIFS([Item Number]:[Item Number], OR(@cell = \"C001\", @cell = \"COO2\", @cell = \"COO3\", @cell = \"COO4\"), [Status]:[Status], OR(@cell = \"Green\", @cell = \"Yellow\", @cell = \"Red\"))<\/p>"}]}},"status":{"statusID":3,"name":"Accepted","state":"closed","recordType":"discussion","recordSubType":"question"},"bookmarked":false,"unread":false,"category":{"categoryID":322,"name":"Formulas and Functions","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/categories\/formulas-and-functions","allowedDiscussionTypes":[]},"reactions":[{"tagID":3,"urlcode":"Promote","name":"Promote","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":5,"count":0},{"tagID":5,"urlcode":"Insightful","name":"Insightful","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0},{"tagID":11,"urlcode":"Up","name":"Vote Up","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0},{"tagID":13,"urlcode":"Awesome","name":"Awesome","class":"Positive","hasReacted":false,"reactionValue":1,"count":0}],"tags":[{"tagID":254,"urlcode":"formulas","name":"Formulas"}]},{"discussionID":109474,"type":"question","name":"Help with date calculation formula","excerpt":"Hello, I'm trying to find a formula that will help me calculate how long an intake took to resolve. The rows I need to be calculated are Date Reported & Resolution Date. If the resolution date is blank I want it to use the current date in the calculation to see how long this issue has gone unresolved. Any help is much…","snippet":"Hello, I'm trying to find a formula that will help me calculate how long an intake took to resolve. The rows I need to be calculated are Date Reported & Resolution Date. If the…","categoryID":322,"dateInserted":"2023-08-25T16:29:39+00:00","dateUpdated":"2023-08-25T16:29:59+00:00","dateLastComment":"2023-08-25T23:01:30+00:00","insertUserID":165688,"insertUser":{"userID":165688,"name":"Nwest","title":"Systems Analyst","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/profile\/Nwest","photoUrl":"https:\/\/aws.smartsheet.com\/storageProxy\/image\/images\/u!1!ukHVZ18ImX4!BcjWAe8S9SY!l7iQo_PZHOx","dateLastActive":"2023-08-25T17:22:30+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭"},"updateUserID":165688,"lastUserID":8888,"lastUser":{"userID":8888,"name":"Andrée Starå","title":"Smartsheet Expert Consultant & Partner | Workflow Consultant \/ CEO @ WORK BOLD","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/profile\/Andr%C3%A9e%20Star%C3%A5","photoUrl":"https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/6031209\/uploads\/userpics\/0PAU3GBYQLBT\/nXWM7QXGD6464.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-08-26T17:06:33+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭✭✭✭✭✭"},"pinned":false,"pinLocation":null,"closed":false,"sink":false,"countComments":3,"countViews":23,"score":null,"hot":3385987269,"url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/discussion\/109474\/help-with-date-calculation-formula","canonicalUrl":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/discussion\/109474\/help-with-date-calculation-formula","format":"Rich","tagIDs":[254],"lastPost":{"discussionID":109474,"commentID":392687,"name":"Re: Help with date calculation formula","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/discussion\/comment\/392687#Comment_392687","dateInserted":"2023-08-25T23:01:30+00:00","insertUserID":8888,"insertUser":{"userID":8888,"name":"Andrée Starå","title":"Smartsheet Expert Consultant & Partner | Workflow Consultant \/ CEO @ WORK BOLD","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/profile\/Andr%C3%A9e%20Star%C3%A5","photoUrl":"https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/6031209\/uploads\/userpics\/0PAU3GBYQLBT\/nXWM7QXGD6464.jpg","dateLastActive":"2023-08-26T17:06:33+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭✭✭✭✭✭"}},"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Home","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/"},{"name":"Get Help","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/categories\/get-help"},{"name":"Formulas and Functions","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/categories\/formulas-and-functions"}],"groupID":null,"statusID":3,"attributes":{"question":{"status":"accepted","dateAccepted":"2023-08-25T17:04:22+00:00","dateAnswered":"2023-08-25T16:36:59+00:00","acceptedAnswers":[{"commentID":392622,"body":"