How to create reports in a Legacy Individual Plan ( Pre February 1st 2019)
Hello everyone,
我试图联系支持,但我没有回答,I'll try to ask for help here:
I'm trying to create reports. On the "plans & prices" page it appears that with an "individual plan" there is the possibility of creating up to 5 reports, but when I do try the option is greyed out. By doing a little research I discovered that my plan is apparently a "legacy" type, and that therefore the possibility to create reports is only given to all plans created from February 1st 2019 onwards. I just want to know how to change the status of mine, from "legacy" to normal, so that I can create the reports I need. Creating a new account is not exactly an option, because my subscription was renewed a few months ago, and creating a new one would mean throwing away 3/4 of the amount paid.
Thank you in advance to anyone who is willing to help.
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
To change your plan from a legacy plan to a new Individual plan, the process is normally to cancel your current account, switch to Free, then purchase the new plan. However, since you have recently renewed your subscription, I have reached out to Support on your behalf and they will contact you directly to help with this transition.
Ford ✭
Ford ✭
All solved, I can now create reports. Thank you.
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
Great to hear! Thanks for letting us know.
You would use the below for Jan 2023 and adjust the month and year numbers accordingly for each of the other months.<\/p>
=IF(AND(MONTH([Start Date]@row)<= 1, YEAR([Start Date]@row)<= 2023, MONTH([End Date]@row)>= 1, YEAR([End Date]@row)>= 2023), [$ per month]@row)<\/p>"},{"commentID":387901,"body":"
Lets try a different approach.<\/p>
=IF(AND(VALUE(YEAR([Start Date]@row) + IF(MONTH(Start Date]@row)< 10, \"0\", \"//\") + MONTH([Start Date]@row))<= 202307<\/strong>, VALUE(YEAR([End Date]@row) + IF(MONTH([End Date]@row)< 10, \"0\", \"//\") + MONTH([End Date]@row))>= 202307<\/strong>), [$ per month]@row)<\/p> Basically we are creating a yyyymm stamp from the start and end dates and comparing them to the yyyymm stamp for that year\/month combo. The above is for July 2023 (202307).<\/p>"},{"commentID":387906,"body":"