Getting error "No approved project found in config approval settings, please contact PMOs."
Getting error "No approved project found in config approval settings, please contact PMOs." when attempting to create a new project with Control Center. I have checked the Project intake sheet, the projects are approved and the project status is "unstarted" for one and blank for another (note the Project Status column is flagged to prevent a project from being duplicated - and I checked the values both there and in the blueprint) This blueprint worked before- the only changes made have been to consolidate the profile data into 1 sheet per project rather than on every sheet. I am also attempting to setup the Overall Project Summary in this blueprint.
Best Answers
Ben Goldblatt Employee
This error message typically appears if Control Center can't find any project names ready for provisioning from the intake sheet. Our Support team will be the best resource for troubleshooting this, but there's likely something within the Blueprint Intake Settings causing the discrepancy.
•Approval Column Value not met- Verify the column is mapped to the correct name and that the value on the row is entered correctly according to the intake settings
•Filter Projects by User- Verify that the user provisioning the project is assigned to it in the mapped column. Alternatively, ensure this field is blank so that it is not restricted to current user
•额外的Filters- Verify that expected rows meet the given filters by applying the same filters directly to the sheet
•Project Selection Column- Verify that the column is mapped correctly and that the row/project has a name/value in the mapped column. This can occur if the column gets renamed since Control Center will then default to the first available column
I hope this helps. If you've verified that everything is set correctly and you're still receiving the error, contact the Support team via they will be happy to help troubleshoot further.
Rich Stowell ✭✭✭✭✭
Thanks. I was able to resolve the issue - (issue was the "Filter Projects by User" vs name in the intake worksheet versus who I was signed in at the time)
Again, thanks for the assist
Ben Goldblatt Employee
This error message typically appears if Control Center can't find any project names ready for provisioning from the intake sheet. Our Support team will be the best resource for troubleshooting this, but there's likely something within the Blueprint Intake Settings causing the discrepancy.
•Approval Column Value not met- Verify the column is mapped to the correct name and that the value on the row is entered correctly according to the intake settings
•Filter Projects by User- Verify that the user provisioning the project is assigned to it in the mapped column. Alternatively, ensure this field is blank so that it is not restricted to current user
•额外的Filters- Verify that expected rows meet the given filters by applying the same filters directly to the sheet
•Project Selection Column- Verify that the column is mapped correctly and that the row/project has a name/value in the mapped column. This can occur if the column gets renamed since Control Center will then default to the first available column
I hope this helps. If you've verified that everything is set correctly and you're still receiving the error, contact the Support team via they will be happy to help troubleshoot further.
Rich Stowell ✭✭✭✭✭
Thanks. I was able to resolve the issue - (issue was the "Filter Projects by User" vs name in the intake worksheet versus who I was signed in at the time)
Again, thanks for the assist
There currently isn't a way to overlay an Outlook Calendar on top of a Smartsheet Calendar; you can do the reverse, publish dates from Smartsheet into Outlook.<\/a><\/p>