
Nick Burrus
Nick Burrus ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 05/28/21 inEvents

I may be alone in this, but the Engage Data Ninja presentation is beautiful. If all documentation was like this, it would be amazing for newcomers!

If you haven't yet, highly recommend reading this to understand VLOOKUPs better://www.santa-greenland.com/sites/default/files/2020-09/ENGAGE2020_45SMAR_The%20Only%20Two%20Formulas%20You%20Need%20to%20Know%20to%20Become%20a%20Data%20Ninja.pdf

Dr. St Nicholas Burrus DHA, PMP

I build Smartsheets for the US Government, State Government, and about a dozen of the US Fortune 100s.
