I have seen many posts about people wanting the ability to indicate a particular task\/row is ready to begin because all of the predecessors are complete (many of them archived). All of the proposed solutions had short comings (e.g. only works on rows with a single FS predecessor with no lag). Here is my full solution to the problem.<\/p>
Note 1: I have not tested this extensively. It may not perform well on large sheets.<\/p>
Note 2: In this example, I have chosen for this to only work with FS predecessors (because that’s what makes sense to me). However, I indicate below which formula to change so that this can work with any predecessor type.<\/p>
solution can be done by adding a minimum of 2 columns to your existing sheet,<\/p>
but I'm going to layout this explanation using 6 columns for ease of following.<\/p>
I will provide the 2 column solution at the end.<\/p>
are the 6 column names I used: Row ID, Row ID Comma, Pred Replace FS, Pred<\/p>
Count, Pred Done Count, and Ready Status<\/p>
The green columns can be converted to column formulas. Unfortunately, I don’t know of a way to get a reliable row ID column using a column formula.<\/p>