What’s the best method to add new automated workflows to existing projects?
Is there a way to use Global Updates to add automation rules to active projects?
We are under an enterprise plan with control center
I want to add several new automation rules to all active projects (200+)
I do not want to do this manually for every active project.
Any recommended options would be appreciated.
Example Use cases:
- 当@行% =完成100%, set value in a different column “Z” (same row) to “X”
- When @row column “Z” = “x”, change the “assigned to” column to “Some Name”
- When @row column “assigned to” = “some Name” & column “Z” = “X”, then alert the following.
- When column “Z” changes to “X”, alert the following.
- Create a new report that displays the above and pulls in all active projects.
Best Answer
BO'Neil ✭✭✭✭
Hi Genevieve,
Thank you for taking time to respond to my question and for the recommended next steps.
I have already updated my blueprint with the needed changes for future projects. I'll craft an enhancement request for the product teams review and consideration.
Best Regards,
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
There currently isn't a way to update previously provisioned sheets with a new automation using Global Updates in Control Center. Please let the Product team know about your feedback byfilling in this form, here!(SeeSmartsheet Control Center: Make Global Updates to Your Projectsfor a list of the current types of Global Updates you can configure.)
You canupdate your Blueprintto include these automations and a new Report so that everyfutureproject contains these details, but this will not update any previously provisioned projects.
If you're eligible on your plan to book Pro Desk sessions, I would recommend setting up one session (under the Control Center category) so you can update your Blueprint over a screen share and receive guidance. You can check for available times from this page://www.santa-greenland.com/pro-desk
BO'Neil ✭✭✭✭
Hi Genevieve,
Thank you for taking time to respond to my question and for the recommended next steps.
I have already updated my blueprint with the needed changes for future projects. I'll craft an enhancement request for the product teams review and consideration.
Best Regards,
You would use the below for Jan 2023 and adjust the month and year numbers accordingly for each of the other months.<\/p>
=IF(AND(MONTH([Start Date]@row)<= 1, YEAR([Start Date]@row)<= 2023, MONTH([End Date]@row)>= 1, YEAR([End Date]@row)>= 2023), [$ per month]@row)<\/p>"},{"commentID":387901,"body":"
Lets try a different approach.<\/p>
=IF(AND(VALUE(YEAR([Start Date]@row) + IF(MONTH(Start Date]@row)< 10, \"0\", \"//www.santa-greenland.com/community/discussion/84065/\") + MONTH([Start Date]@row))<= 202307<\/strong>, VALUE(YEAR([End Date]@row) + IF(MONTH([End Date]@row)< 10, \"0\", \"//www.santa-greenland.com/community/discussion/84065/\") + MONTH([End Date]@row))>= 202307<\/strong>), [$ per month]@row)<\/p> Basically we are creating a yyyymm stamp from the start and end dates and comparing them to the yyyymm stamp for that year\/month combo. The above is for July 2023 (202307).<\/p>"},{"commentID":387906,"body":"