Problem with alignment on dashboard
Hi I need help.
I uploaded report to dashboard and the bars are off as you can see on the picture.
What I'm doing wrong? On both: worksheet and report of the same I don't see this problem. All is aligned. Only when I upload all looks messed up.
Please let me know how to fix it.
Genevieve P. Employee Admin
What browser are you using, and what do you have your browser zoom set to?
I've seen this happen before on a Dashboard if the zoom setting is not one of the supported settings, see:Best Practices for Browser Zoom
Let me know if this helps!
EvaL ✭
Thank you for your suggestion. I was using the Microsoft Edge but since I started using Chrome I don't have this problem anymore and all looks good.
You would use the below for Jan 2023 and adjust the month and year numbers accordingly for each of the other months.<\/p>
=IF(AND(MONTH([Start Date]@row)<= 1, YEAR([Start Date]@row)<= 2023, MONTH([End Date]@row)>= 1, YEAR([End Date]@row)>= 2023), [$ per month]@row)<\/p>"},{"commentID":387901,"body":"
Lets try a different approach.<\/p>
=IF(AND(VALUE(YEAR([Start Date]@row) + IF(MONTH(Start Date]@row)< 10, \"0\", \"//\") + MONTH([Start Date]@row))<= 202307<\/strong>, VALUE(YEAR([End Date]@row) + IF(MONTH([End Date]@row)< 10, \"0\", \"//\") + MONTH([End Date]@row))>= 202307<\/strong>), [$ per month]@row)<\/p> Basically we are creating a yyyymm stamp from the start and end dates and comparing them to the yyyymm stamp for that year\/month combo. The above is for July 2023 (202307).<\/p>"},{"commentID":387906,"body":"