How do I automate Smartsheet API "get_sheet" function to go through a list of sheets and save data?
I'm currently creating a catalogue of all sheets in a workspace using the "get_sheet" function.
The data I'm collecting (crossSheetReferences, cellLinkIn, LinksOut) can only be found within the "get_sheet" function.
I have a list of sheet ID's (sheet_list) that I use for collecting data.
My code (python) looks like this:
smart = smartsheet.Smartsheet(key)
response = smart.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_list[1], include = "crossSheetReferences")
#1 being position of sheet ID in sheet_list.
If I try and do a for loop like so:
for i in sheet_list:
response = smart.Sheets.get_sheet(i, include = "crossSheetReferences")
It takes 30mins to finish execution, but it only saves on a single smartsheet object. I can check and see that I viewed every page via API on the smartsheet activity log, but it doesn't seem to save properly to "response". I only get cell data from one sheet.
任何帮助或解决方案将appreciated. I could go through get_sheet individually for every sheet, but my catalogue contains thousands of sheets across several workspaces, so it would be fairly tedious. Thanks
Best Answer
bsikes ✭✭✭
I'm not familiar with Python, but if that's your code I would guess that your saving over the response variable each time you go through your loop. Meaning the last sheet that you get_sheet on, is the only one in the response variable.
If that's the case, I think you would need to add the response variable to some kind of a collection/array after each call.
bsikes ✭✭✭
I'm not familiar with Python, but if that's your code I would guess that your saving over the response variable each time you go through your loop. Meaning the last sheet that you get_sheet on, is the only one in the response variable.
If that's the case, I think you would need to add the response variable to some kind of a collection/array after each call.
J.Greene ✭
Thanks for the input. I figured it out with the following:
responsefull = []
for i in sheet_list:
response = smart.Sheets.get_sheet(i, include = "crossSheetReferences")
Now, I have individal smartsheet objects saving correctly instead of into one, such as:
However, I'm trying to parse this as json and save to a pandas dataframe for analysis.
My code for that is as follows:
strresponsefull = [ ]
for i in responsefull:
strresponse = str(i)
strresponsefull .append(strresponse)
strresponsefull = str(strresponsefull)
strresponsefull = strresponsefull.lstrip("[\'")
strresponsefull = strresponsefull.rstrip("\']")
strresponsefull = json.dumps(strresponsefull ,skipkeys = False)
y = json.loads(strresponsefull)
My issue is: this last function doesn't load in JSON format correctly. I think it's because I use [ ] to store as a list, then try and reformat it with lstrip. When I previously did this with just one sheet, I didn't need to store it in a list for it to be pulled into a dataframe. In this case, y is a str, but i need it as a dict. converting y to dict at this stage doesn't work as it returns a blank df with the following code:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pd.json_normalize(y), orient='columns')
The goal is to use this along with finding tuples for "crossSheetReferences" as well as "linkInFromCell" and "linksOutToCells" with this:
data = y
tree_obj = objectpath.Tree(data)
crossSheets = tuple(tree_obj.execute('$..crossSheetReferences'))
The above code works, but only if y is one sheet, not several. y in this case needs to be a dictionary. I will paste below the full working code for a single sheet:
response = smart.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_list[1], include = "crossSheetReferences")
strresponse = str(response)
y = json.loads(strresponse)
data = y
tree_obj = objectpath.Tree(data)
crossSheets = tuple(tree_obj.execute('$..crossSheetReferences'))
#prints out all crossReferences for this sheet
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pd.json_normalize(y), orient='columns')
#then add crossSheets to df
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks