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Auto assign helpdesk queries
I have set up a webform to collate helpdesk queries. Every query is one of 6 types (one of the fields on the webform is a drop down to select the type of query.
I would like to automatically assign one of four people to handle each query based on which of the 6 types the query is regarding (there is a mapping of type to person)
This would mean only the relevant person would be notified of the new query (I can do this in another way) plus reminders can be sent when the item is overdue.
Is this possible?
Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭
I think one way to do it is to create a webform for each query type and insert a hidden field (the column would need to be a Contact List column )assigning the employee you want to handle the type of query. Then you can set up notifications in the smartsheet to the individuals handling the query.
I know setting up 6 different webforms may not be ideal. If anyone has a different suggestion please let me know.
You should tryZapier! Zapier uses Smartsheet’s API for automated tasks. You could set up a zap that is triggered when a row is added (new form entry) and can email a specified user the content of row based on the 6 types of queries. Two ways to do this. One, set up a formula that displays an email address based on which query is selected then set the zap to email the row details to whichever email address is displayed or set up a separate zap for each 6 query and set each zap to send to the appropriate user.
Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭
I watch the webinar on Zapier today it's a pretty cool app but depending on your usage you may have to pay a monthly fee to use it.
Here is the link for the webinar for Zapier
Rob ✭
Thanks all, will build first solution but Zapier does look very cool so may use later
janedevine ✭✭
Stephanie, that was perfect for what I needed! (hidden field for the form)