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Selecting entire sheet for formatting
Jeremy Myers ✭✭✭✭✭
Selelct the top line, hold down control, select the bottommost line. Format the entire thing in one swipe. Or if you are only formatting a single column, use the formatt painter.
Amy_API ✭
For me when I select the first row then hold shift and select the last row it will highlight all rows in between.
Easy enough answer to the question I also had
Does anyone know if Smartsheet is planning to allow "ctrl + A" to select all cells in the future? When you have 500+ rows, scrolling to select the last row isn't ideal....I did find it also works if you select the first column + shift and last column.
Found that you can do command + Shift + arrow key down and select everything.
Zachw ✭✭✭
Shift + Click on rows/columns to select the whole sheet works, but is very cumbersome and annoying IMO.
Smartsheet should really add a method to select all cells such as:
- Ctr + A
- Click on very top left of grid (as in excel or gDocs)
- Any other method to select the entire sheet.