Let's launch the era of unified enterprise — together. #SmartsheetENGAGE

Maxwell Griffith
Maxwell Griffith Employee Admin
edited 06/08/21 inGeneral Announcements

Hey Smartsheet Community,

Our Community Team recently launched a category specifically for our customers to talk about the advancements of Smartsheet and how the product fuels their dynamic work.

参与是一个关键的事件我们每年举行want YOU to join the conversation, share your learnings, and find out how other users are using Smartsheet everyday to empower their workforce with an intuitive and rapidly evolving no-code tool.

Click the link below to be a part of the movement.

And don't forget to tag #engage2021.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Smartsheet Community Team



  • How do I access the Engage2021 live event? I logged in and am stuck watching a sales video that doesn't talk about the product.

  • Maxwell Griffith
    Maxwell Griffith Employee Admin
    edited 06/08/21

    Hey@James Rossow,

    Apologies for the experience you've run into!

    In order to access the event, please follow the link provided below:


    You can also view the livestream and/or watch on demand through our Smartsheet Youtube Channel:

    Let me know if this doesn't work out for you.


    Maxwell from Smartsheet

  • Thanks, Maxwell. That's the video I'm watching.

    I had different expectations for this presentation.

  • Maxwell Griffith
    Maxwell Griffith Employee Admin
    Thanks, Maxwell. That's the video I'm watching.<\/p>

    I had different expectations for this presentation.<\/p>","bodyRaw":"[{\"insert\":\"Thanks, Maxwell. That's the video I'm watching.\\nI had different expectations for this presentation.\\n\"}]","format":"rich","dateInserted":"2021-06-08T16:35:30+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":132385,"name":"James Rossow","url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/profile\/James%20Rossow","photoUrl":"https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/6031209\/uploads\/defaultavatar\/nWRMFRX6I99I6.jpg","dateLastActive":"2022-08-08T18:03:34+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":"✭"},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":false,"showPostLink":false,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.smartsheet.com\/discussion\/comment\/294193#Comment_294193","embedType":"quote"}"> https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/comment/294193#Comment_294193

    Thank you for your feedback,@James Rossow. We've sent you a personal message to discuss further.


    Maxwell from Smartsheet