Task Status
I am evaluating Smartsheet against MS Project. In MS Project I have a custom field that tells me task status automatically. In progress and on track means the start date is today or earlier, the end date has not passed and the % complete is proportional to elapsed time. Behind schedule is same but % complete is less than elapsed time. Past Due is finished date passed, not 100% complete. Complete is 100% complete. Coming up in next 2 weeks and coming up beyond two weeks are other statuses.
Can smartsheet do this somehow as well? I do not want a purely manual status.
This is my formula in MS Project
IIf([Scheduled Duration] = 0, (IIf([% Complete] = 100, 5, IIf([Scheduled Finish] < Now(), 4, IIf([Scheduled Finish] > Now() And [Scheduled Start] < Now() + 14, 6, 1)))), IIf([% Complete] = 100, 5, IIf([% Complete] >= 100 * (Abs(ProjDateDiff([Scheduled Start], Now()) / ProjDateDiff([Scheduled Start], [Scheduled Finish]))), 2, IIf(([Scheduled Start] > Now() And [Scheduled Start] < Now() + 14), 6, (IIf([Scheduled Finish] > Now(), IIf([Scheduled Start] > Now(), 1, 3), 4))))))
Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
Yes. It would look something like this...
=如果([%完成]@row = 1,“完成”,如果(或([固定播送时间uled Finish]@row < TODAY(), ([Scheduled Finish]@row - TODAY()) / ([Scheduled Finish]@row - [Scheduled Start]@row)< [% Complete]@row), "Behind Schedule", IF([Scheduled Start]@row> TODAY(14), "Starts in more than two weeks", IF([Scheduled Start]@row> TODAY(), "Starts within two weeks", "In Progress/On Track"))))
sravya.gupta127326 ✭✭✭✭✭
我们还用一个公式来计算status. However, we are now looking to use Automation (Change Cell) instead of the formula. This will allow users to change status in card view if they would like instead of % change.
For reference, here is the formula:
=IF(Stopped@row = true, "Stopped", IF(Duration@row = "", "Not Started", IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Complete", IF([End Date]@row < TODAY(), "Overdue", IF([At Risk]@row = 1, "At Risk", IF([Start Date]@row > TODAY(), "Not Started", IF([% Complete]@row = 0, "Not Started", "On Track")))))))
@Paul NewcomeThank you for this = very kind. When I put into a column I am getting #UNPARSEABLE.
Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
Double check that the column names are correct. I used what you had listed in your first sample formula, but if those do not match what is actually in the sheet then you will get that error.
@Paul NewcomeThose are not column names they are functions within MS Project. And it is because I do not know that similar functions in smart sheets that I am asking if this can be done or not. For example, MS Project knows that a task should be 70% complete for example so if it is less than that I can tell it is behind schedule. It also keeps scheduled start and scheduled finish dates separately from actual start and actual finish, etc.
Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
You will need to create columns that house each of these different pieces (Start Date, Finish Date, % Complete, etc.) then reference them in the formula.
I hope you're well and safe!<\/p>
There's a known issue at the moment.<\/p>
I'll get back to the post if I can find the thread.<\/p>
I hope that helps!<\/p>
Be safe, and have a fantastic weekend!<\/p>
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