Meet the next class of Community Champions! [June 2023]

Alison Clancy
Alison Clancy Employee Admin
edited 07/06/23 inGeneral Announcements

When we launchedthe Community Champions programback in January, I was overwhelmed by the positive energy and breadth of knowledge that first group brought on Day One and beyond. I didn't think the excitement could grow, but it definitely has as we welcome in the next class of Champions to the program!

Smartsheet Community Champions - Social Post.png

These members will join the January class in sharing their product expertise and connecting with others on this very platform.Drop a in the comments to help us celebrate the new inductees,and scroll down to get to know them better:

As@Melissa Boehl, fellow Community Champion, said in herMember Spotlight, "Through communities, we become our best selves." Thank you to our new Champions for helping us all achieve.

Congratulations all! Can't wait to see what you accomplish together throughout the rest of 2023.

Community Champions are members who demonstrate product expertise and generosity in sharing best practices and support with others on the platform.They are selected twice a year by the Smartsheet Community team, based on a number of criteria relating to engagement metrics, how they reflect Smartsheet's values, and their diverse perspectives.

注意:想知道这个项目与我们的不同Rewards program featuring Ambassadors and Leaders? Read morehere.

