- Sheet Summary in Control Center Global Updates
It would greatly enhance the functionality of the Control Center if the Sheet Summary could be incorporated into the Global Updates feature. In contrast to utilizing a "Metadata" sheet in the Project Blueprint, I've opted for the more convenient Sheet Summary to store essential metrics. While the metadata approach can be…
- Dynamic column reference
I have a smartsheet setup to act as a daily tracker based on working day with statuses of the activity getting updated using a formula. The formula I am using currently is: IF(AND((ISBLANK([WD13]@row)), NOT(OR(SubStatus@row = "Completed", SubStatus@row = "Not scheduled to start yet"))), "Daily update pending",…
- Viewing Activity Log
Hello I am the Admin/Owner of all Dashboards and Workspaces for my company. The reps have only VIEWER status in these workspaces. Is there a report to show me how many views in a given time frame? Not who has access but how many users have viewed "X" dashboard. There is no Activity since they are only "viewers". I am…
- Using a VLOOKUP and IF statement to return different values based on two different columns
Hi, I'm so sorry if this kind of question has been asked in the community forum but I've been trying to comb the questions but haven't had any true luck yet. Currently I used a VLOOKUP function to populate a personnel contact column based on a particular project column. That part is working correctly. However, recently I…
- Automation Included into Global Updates
Hi Smartsheet, it would be incredibly helpful if I could manage sheet automation through global updates. Is this on your to-do list?
- Add ability to block users or permission levels from exporting for PHI/HIPAA
It would be really great if in the security controls or even admin user settings to be able to block the ability to export sheets (to excel or anywhere else) the user is shared to to help protect PHI/HIPAA. There is currently not a way to do this without changing their permission level and users still need to be able to…
- Add Device ID provisioning to AzureAD (EntraID) on smartphone apps
The device ID is not handed over from the smartphone apps (Android and IOS) to AzureAD while logon. This would be great to ensure if the device is managed and compliant to enable the logon to the app. It would also help to create a conditional access policy, to block an app logon from unknown devices to increase the…
- Pivot table showing date
Hi All, We have a bunch of project schedules that list milestones in the primary column (IE Kickoff, First Milestone X, Construction complete, etc). So each milestone has it's own row. I would like to make a report where the rows are each project (or sheet name) and the columns are the major milestones. The value in the…
- Parent Flagging based on Child Rows
Hello, I'm working in a project planning trying to highlight if a specific row, or project, has any task as children that is at risk. Does any syntax support this function?
- Toolbar - Customize
Hi, I'd be interested to be able to personalise the toolbar. Currently the outdent button is close too the filter drop down list and creates havoc with personnel clicking it and creating parent summary rows invertedly. Unfortunately, we cannot lock everyone out...