Discussion List
Indent/Outdent Rows not showing on Reports and Dashboards I have a Project Schedule "Sheet" that has several parent and child rows. When I created a "Report" for this same sheet, I noticed that the parent/child rows are not showing on the "Report". For example, the report is not allowing me to see which rows are indented/outdented. It would be very helpful to have a way that the…
Restoring from a version Is there a way to restore a version of a sheet, dashboard, or other SS object? The version activity history is available but it seems to be informational only. Can I roll back to a state prior to a change?
Merged: Conditional Formatting on Parent Rows within Gantt This discussion has been merged.
Apply conditional formatting (gantt) to parent row Please consider developing the ability to apply conditional formatting to top level (parent) rows. It looks weird when everything below the parent is in color, but the parent is grayed out. Thanks!
Workspace Shared to panel Hello, Would it be possible to reduce or even hide the panel showing who is shared to a Workspace? I'd like to see the names of the content within the workspace far more than who the Workspace is shared to. If the Workspace Shared to section could be minimized, that would be ideal. Thank you for your consideration, Lisa
Workarounds for new preview attachments popup - web version The recent change documented here: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/105782/open-files-in-a-new-window has really impacted our clients workflows. Now instead of being able to click on an attachment and work with it immediately, they have to do multiple steps to view it (the preview window is often not legible for…
Number of weeks countdown from today to start date Hi! I've searched other threads and haven't found a formula that works for me. I'm trying to create a countdown in weeks for events on a sheet to pull into a dashboard. I want to display the number of weeks from today's date to the event start date. I tried this formula: =WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) - WEEKNUMBER([Start Date]12)…
Display multiple selections in another column. This discussion was created from comments split from: Add multiple amounts together for multiple selections.
Editing Start & End Date w/dependencies enabled I have a worksheet with a Start & End and Project Settings set. I really need the durations and predecessors for the Gantt chart. However, I want my users, ELT, to work only from a report of Dynamic View and they need the ability to edit their dates as needed. According to the article below you can only edit the dates in…
Help for Status Change and Tracking I am trying to create dashboard widgets from data that I am tracking. For this widget I am wanting to have a graph show the number of people in each status section I have listed: "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Completed". Each employee has an individual sheet with tasks listed along with corresponding start/end dates,…