Discussion List
Changing MMDDYYYY date type column to YYYYMMDD format when referenced in another cell The formula I currently have works to an extent, however, it omits the leading 0 on months and days. For instance, I get 2023-8-14 instead of 2023-08-14. Is there any way to add the zero? Here's what I have right now: =IFERROR(YEAR([Invoiced Date]@row) + "-" + MONTH([Invoiced Date]@row) + "-" + DAY([Invoiced Date]@row) + "…
Templates Hi, I feel like I'm going crazy. I added a new column to the sheet that a template was based on and it added that column to the other sheets that were made from that template. But then when trying to figure out how and playing around with it I broke that functionality because it's not doing it anymore and I can't comments…
Inconsistent Formatting in Dynamic View I have added colors to columns, but it seems to inconsistently format in the Dynamic View as seen in this screenshot. Does anyone have any advice or feedback? Thanks, Jeanna Wright
Gantt Chart & Cell Linking. What is the workaround? Gantt charts cannot have cell linking when there is a predecessor assigned. My challenge is I need to have my sheet reference my vendor's sheets so that it automatically updates when they enter their date. This does not seem possible in all avenues I have ventured down. I tried using the Vlookup formula and I am unable to…
Error: There was an error submitting the form. I am getting an error when I submit the form. The error says " There was an error submitting the form. Please try again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of this form". I have checked the automation and all the fields with logic. They all looks fine to me and earlier everything was working. Today, when tested…
FIX Required: Last Modified Date + TODAY Function = updates all rows Hello Smartsheet community I would like to see a fix. When you use the "TODAY" function anywhere in your sheet, ANY changes will update the "last modified date" for all rows. What I want: Only update the individual row that has changed. Why? So I know when (and who) made the last change. This was verified as a problem by…
Task Notification From Template for New Project 我想知道ing if there is an easy way or best practice for this... We do many of the same type of project (all same tasks, assignments, etc) for different 'builds'. We have a project template which contains all the proper columns, etc. including assigned to. When we have a new 'build' we simply save the template as new…
Merged: Cross Sheet Reference Limitation This discussion has been merged.
Remove or Increase Cross Sheet Reference Limitations Please consider removing or increasing cross-sheet reference limitations. I recently built a solution that would require me to manage 3-4 sheets each month for monthly audit results tracking from Joint Commission. I spent weeks building and testing and at the end had to add more questions (total of about 125 to the form.…
Predecessors for parallel activities I have a situation where a task happens in parallel with other tasks but this parallel activity (call it "Task P") needs to start at the same time as "Task A" however "Task P" runs longer than "Task A" but needs to be completed 2months prior to the completion of "Task B" So I want the Start Date for "Task P" to be linked…