- Coiuntifs Formula Help Needed
Hi! Can anyone please assist with the correct Formula? i'm trying to count how many rows are on a sheet(Reference Sheet) the criterea for the rows are as follows: =countifs STATUS Column is "Discharged" or "ACTIVE" , Discharged/Nonadmit Column is Greater than 05/19/2023 and Date activated column is less than 05/27/2023 I…
- Need Confirmation or Correction - Do I understand this correctly.
背景:我创建了一个主要的年代heet holding unique project information in each row. I then created Summary fields for this sheet data (e.g. Total # of Projects, Submitted Projects, Projects Waiting for Approval, Projects In Process, etc.). I then created Reports for each of those summary fields off the main sheet. I then…
- Adding Overall % and Date Questions
I am using the Project Manager Office Template from Smartsheet. I would like to have the very top row (it is almost like a summary row), calculate the overall % complete of the project and adjust the start and end dates as the schedule changes/ progresses. I tried adding a formula to both sections but it would not actually…
- Gantt Chart Predecessors
I recently came from construction scheduling where we used Buildertrend. Their Gannt charts were great to work with and easy to use. They had it where you would manually drag the predecessor arrow to the task that follows, it would stay in place, then you could adjust from there. I dislike how in smartsheet you can link…
- Data Mesh execution frequency "Update Immediately"
I've created a Data Mesh config. I see the frequency options. I've tried 1-hour and does run. I have tried Immediately but nothing happens. What am I missing? I don't find any detailed documentation on the frequency setting.
- Job Posting Area
It would be a good idea to have a "job postings" space for Smartsheet experts. I say this because I often need support and it's hard to find someone who knows Smartsheet and is available to do some specific work. And we have this community that brings together a series of SS users.
- Conditional Formatting for Dashboard Metric Widgets
When using dashboard metric widgets, it would be helpful to be able to have conditional formatting features to compare performance to a KPI or otherwise enhance the metric display. Even if the data source document already has the conditional formatting existing, it will not transfer along with the data to the dashboard…
- Formula Question
I am having a problem with the following formula: =IF(AND(COUNTIF([W9 or 1099 Received]@row:[NDA Received]@row, 1) = 8, COUNTIFS({Bullhorn ID}, [Bullhorn Candidate ID #]@row, {OB Complete}, "Green")), "Green", "Yellow") The formula is supposed to return the text "Green" if the following conditions are met: There are 8…
- Index(Collect error
This discussion was created from comments split from: Formula for returning value based on whether a date is between two dates.
- Please let Smartsheet work with time
Sometime when doing sign ups we would like to be able to have a time format the same way we have a date format. It would help for signing up for shifts or would allow for a form that you can enter preferred times. Right now we ask people to use a certain format, but it would be great if it could be required so we don't get…