I need to make several reports based off 1 sheet. There will only be 1 change in each of the reports. Is there a way to easily do this, or do i need to build the report one by one? Thanks!! Vanessa
我有一个问题关于个体所ual task management. How are people with several on-going projects tracking their individual "active" tasks? I think just a report with ALL tasks is too cumbersome, as many may be future tasks with not action yet required. While requiring that ALL sheets contain the same column titles…
I just started using smartsheets for out development firm. we have hundreds of new consturction homes that we keep seperate data sheets on everything from bidding, to actual cost, to scheduling. I would like to be able to pull the data out of each sheet and generate a report that details how much I pay for each style of…
When I reassign a taks to a colaborator, is it possible that the colaborator (or anyone else) receives a message (email) so that he/she is aware of the task?
is it possible to have a field which has the name of the user that last changed a row?
Can I save a web form to a Shared Dropbox folder so my client has access to it. They always lose the link and ask me to resent it. How can I prevent this from happening
Is it possible? I need to automate my timesheet into a payslip afterwards. Tell me how can I do that? Thanks.
Hi, My question is how to control Licensed Users in annual subscriptio in terms of replacing one of them during the subscription. Regards, Bashar
We have a vendor who is assisting us with a project and he already has smartsheet. Is there a way for him to have access to our sheets as well with his login or is that not allowed where we would have to setup another account with a new email for him? Did a search and couldnt find same question so bare with me if a…
We've been using Smartsheet for a while now, and we're accumulating a number of completed projects. We'd like to hide the completed projects so as to remove the clutter. If we can't hide a Smartsheet, we would be okay with re-naming it with a prefix that indicated it was compelted or obsolete. If we can't hide it or…