- Symbols suggestion...
Okay - so mostly in jest, but a few of us would love a "Whack-a-mole" type icon to put on the rows of a few who are forgetting to get their project updated. Just wanted to toss that out there for others who might have the same problems - wer'e in this together, folks!! SOLIDARITY FOR SMARTSHEET!!!
- Send Row Feature - Remove Log In button?
I'd like to be able to send rows to people that are not users in our SmartSheet account, but fill out a form that populates rows in our sheet. Is there a way to remove the Log In button in the header of the "Quick Update" email that goes out when you "send row"? I like the logo that is left justified in the header, but…
- Display numerical date on Gantt Calendar
On the Project task list it will display the numerical date for the start of the week, and then Sun-Sat as single digit letters. Is there anyway to get it to display the numerical date for each day of the week?
- Removing Users and Transferring Ownership
I'm a new Smartsheet user and I need to remove 7 licensed users from our account and transfer ownership of about 200 sheets. I've downloaded the user access summary sheet and I see the name of the sheets they own, but I cannot tell where the sheet is located. We have may thousands of sheets in our account to sort…
- Allowing users to only add a row to a sheet and view only those rows
New to Smartsheet and hoping this may be a simple question.... I want to be able to create a sheet that anyone in my company can access, but with the following permission groups: 1. Admin (full access) 2.Edit rights (limited to specific users, columns and rows) 3. View rights (limited to specific users, columns and rows)…
- Removing Resources
Novice question, I'm sure. Building a project plan, i had added "placeholder" users until the roles were filled by actual people. Now that I no longer need the placeholders, how do I go about removing resources from the list to eliminate clutter? Thanks in advance for any help with this.
- 从Web表单条件转发
Hi folks - our business has been using Smartsheet for around 2 years now, but we really haven't taken advantage of some of the more powerful aspects of the software. I'm learning about forms and their uses, and I've come across a challenge I'm hoping you can help with. I've created a form from a sheet (lets call it…
- Publish a Sheet with Cell Linking
Hi I am in the trial phase with this software and am hpoing you can help me understand publising a sheet with cell linking. I have published a sheet that has cell linking to stakeholders who do not have login credientials for SmartSheets. When they review the sheet, they cannot click on the cells that would link them to…
- User Management and Contact List type
Good morning, If I am understanding this correctly, the User Management is what the Contact List type draws from to populate names. Is there a way to create different groups within the User Management area? For instance, I'd like to have two separate lists so that I can have two different Contact List types in my sheet.…
- Can I 'hide' lines from certain people?
Hi, I have project plans that are shared with both internal and external people - is there a way to 'hide' some line items from external/nomiated people? Thanks!