- Old Links Resurfacing on Dashboard Despite Updates
In order to maintain a consistent dashboard design for various use cases, I used the "save as new" option, generating a fresh dashboard. To expedite the process, I repurposed some existing widgets by modifying links to correspond with new forms. However, despite my updates, I eventually received feedback from users…
- How do I get a Dashboard Chart Widget to display 'No Data' when the source report returns no data?
I have a dashboard chart widget whose source data is a report on a sheet. There are times when the report accurately returns no data from the sheet that meets the reporting filter criteria. In that case, the dashboard chart widget displays an 'Unable to display chart' error (screenshot below). This error message is…
- NEW! Dashboard Builder Enhancements
Hi Community! We are very excited to announce a set of dashboard editing enhancements that will allow you to create visually stunning and optimized dashboards even faster. Drag and drop an image onto a dashboard - When adding images to your dashboard, you can drag an image from your file system onto the canvas, providing…
- Auto adjust Report Widget height
Currently, if the report widget height is set to display 20 rows without scrolling then when the report has only 10 rows the dashboard displays blank space for remainder of 10 rows. The white space in the dashboard, in this scenario, is often complained by our users. It will be great if Smartsheet can auto adjust the…
- A PowerBI novice's guide to embedding dynamic reports in Smartsheet dashboards
I've recently embarked on a foray into linking PowerBI with Smartsheet, with the goal of creating dashboards where data can be sliced and diced interactively, and which update with new data automatically. The purpose of this post is to share the steps I had to go through, along with a few learnings, so that other novices…
- Number of weeks countdown from today to start date
Hi! I've searched other threads and haven't found a formula that works for me. I'm trying to create a countdown in weeks for events on a sheet to pull into a dashboard. I want to display the number of weeks from today's date to the event start date. I tried this formula: =WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) - WEEKNUMBER([Start Date]12)…
- Help for Status Change and Tracking
I am trying to create dashboard widgets from data that I am tracking. For this widget I am wanting to have a graph show the number of people in each status section I have listed: "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Completed". Each employee has an individual sheet with tasks listed along with corresponding start/end dates,…
- Printing embedded sheet within dashboard minimised
When embedding a sheet within a dashboard, this appears normal and stretched across the page. However, when printing the dashboard which we do from time to time to include in board papers, the embedded item becomes minimised. Currently there is no work around other than printing it as an individual sheet and having it as…
- 如何设置计数/条件统计制定as
I manage the educational benefits at my job and am trying to find totals of how many dependents, drivers, and office employees participate in the benefit. This is how I've been setting up my formulas. Yet when we cross reference with Excel the total number is off. =COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT([Employee ID/Driver Code]:[Employee…
- Building a Client-Facing Portal in Smartsheet. Workapps?
Hi Smartsheet Community, I am trying to figure out what the best avenue/ tools within smartsheets are to build out a published portal that is dedicated to our customers. Some background: My company generates utility-scale renewable energy projects from scratch. Our business model is to develop these projects over time…