- Auto-populate emails on a "contact list" column
I have a Form created for internal employees where they can submit request tickets to my department. We all have an account with Smartsheet. One of our columns ("Requestor Name") is in the Form where they type in their names. The "Requestor Name" column is a Contac List column. My issue here is, how can I have Smartsheet…
- Insert Images within Forms
I would like to place images within Forms. I have some informative graphics (charts) that would help applicants/customers answer form questions. Instead, I need to provide a link to another webpage in order to provide the necessary information to answer the questions. I'm dealing with applicants that are not computer/tech…
- Side-by-side fields in Forms
Similar to other form products (like Form Assembly), I would like to place/format fields within the form with more flexibility. At the most basic level, I'd like to place 2 fields, side by side. My particular uses would be: Dependent Name: Dependent Age: And also: Income Type: Income Amount: I actually could use more than…
- Clone Fields for Forms
Similar to how one can "clone" conditional formatting, I'd like to "clone" fields when creating forms. I have several similar questions on forms that I'd like to duplicate and make minor changes to. Instead, I have to create each field individually and it is very time consuming and tedious. Alternatively, (and even better)…
- Cascading Forms
Cascading Form data sets is one of Smartsheet's missing capabilities that I believe would be a game-changer for many alternative providers. Cascading forms are a very effective technique that can be used to compress form data and limit down options in order to narrow a workflow or collect more accurate data. Recent usage…
- Unique codes
Hey all, I am trying to create a system that will check a unique code that is entered through a form and display if this code has been used already or not. I have a formula in the summary sheet that will asses if the code has been used or not: =VLOOKUP($Code$1, {Z Codes Trial Database Range 1}, 3, 0) The problem is that I…
- Clear buffer on a form after use
Avoid the form from saving your information when clicking a field.
- I'm the owner of a number of sheets and used to be able to email forms, but can no longer do so.
我已经能够创建一个麻木er of forms and I used to be able to send email notifications to people to complete them. However, I can no longer seem to send the emails although I can share a link. We are on a business subscription and I'm the owner of these sheets.
- Form fields to include Comments
It would be really great if, in the manage forms section, form builders are able to insert a comments field that would populate as a comment on the row once the form is submitted. I have searched many product ideas and did not see this, but I did find older conversations in the community stating that it would be desirable.…
- Validation Phone prefix countries missing
When adding a Field in a Form and adding a Validation Phone, there are several missing countries: Croatia, Indonesia, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Serbia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Uruguay and others. Would it be possible to check and update?