- 内容备份和恢复
We would like Smartsheet to provide a mechanism to do a full backup and restore of related files. While a step in the right direction is the ability to restore to a previous version of a sheet, we find that in an integrated environment, this would not be sufficient: We have a single worksheet that drives multiple reports…
- Sheet access report should include licensed, unlicensed, or "other" indicator
It would be helpful if the sheet access report identified the users in the sharing list as a licensed, unlicensed, or Other (Smartsheet Contact). This would assist with auditing the use of our objects and terminating access when people leave or should no longer have access. Currently, this can be accomplished by "joining"…
- Owner report for My Smartsheet Contacts
In our opinion, Smartsheet Contacts need better oversight and controls. In cases where an owner leaves or transfers and the System Admin transfers their sheets to a new owner, the new owner inherits the shares that were made to the previous owners' contacts, however, these contacts don't show up in their My Smartsheet…
- Misleading CAPTCHA information on forms
When setting up the options on a form, there is an option to "Reduce spam with CAPTCHA." Most users would assume that a CAPTCHA window or graphic would be displayed before the form could be submitted but that is not the case. Having worked with Smartsheet Support we understand now that the form may be using "reCAPTCHA V2…
- Hide Attachments and Comments on Reports within WorksApps
We have some internal sensitive data saved as attachments that we do not want our clients to see. I have hidden the Attachments and Comments Column on the Reports and saved them as View Only within WorkApps. However, the users can still view the attachment even though I have hidden the Attachment column, by right clicking…
- Workspace-level Safe Sharing Domain Lists
The Safe-Sharing Domain List is designed to help prevent accidental sharing of sensitive information with unintended recipients. However, in project scenarios (where external recipients are involved more often), that safe-sharing list is only defined once at the account level and would be more suitable at a Workspace…
- New Alert: Attachment view/download
I see that the activity log indicates an attachment was downloaded whenever it is viewed or actually downloaded. It would be useful to be able to set an automation alert that triggered whenever an attachment is viewed/downloaded. This would help address some security concerns with tracking who has downloaded what. Perhaps…
- Workspace sharing option that doesn't allow "Save As New..." to protect against IP theft
The "Save As New.." feature is great and I use it all the time to duplicate Workspaces and use sheets as the templates for new projects. However I am conscious that I share a lot of really good stuff with other people outside my organisation, and there's nothing to stop them from saving a copy and using it themselves -…
- Ability to manage (automatic) access to sheets
Have an automatic owner setup posibility with the ability to centrally assign/manage peoples access to sheets.
- Access to my own access log
Hi, I would like to view my access log to see if someone used my account without my consent. Is there any way to get my access log with source IP address too? Thanks!