YES! It did work with this formula. Thank you so much!
No, it didn't. It does take the formula without showing any error but it gives me a 0 value which is not accurate.
I can't figure out how to make it work. =COUNTIFS(CONTAINS("Luis") , [Assigned Designer]:[Assigned Designer] , [Status of Request]:[Status of Request], "In Design") =COUNTIFS(CONTAINS("Luis", [Assigned Designer]:[Assigned Designer]), [Status of Request]:[Status of Request], "In Design") When I put any of these formulas it…
I ended up creating new reports, Thanks
Did you guys take out this option? I'm looking for the way to display just selected columns from my report.
Thanks!!! It worked! I ended up using the formula =IFERROR(NETDAYS([Concept Start Date]10, [Concept Finish Date]10), "") it actually delete the #INVALID DATA TYPE