

  • Thank you very much for the continue effort on this Jeff! It appeared to work, because it is checking appropriately based on the date column... but the date column is converting anything on 2/28 after 4 PM to 03/01. I didn't catch that. I wanted to post this for posterity to delegitimize my previous response. ; )
  • What I ended up doing is leveraging another column, and used a formula there to convert the system Created column to just a date, using a Date column type. ChatGPT gave me this to use ; )
  • Thanks both! yea, I figured that was too coincidental to not have something to do with it - pacific time zone here. Good to know!
  • If you hadn't, I may not have fully grasped the concept, and just copied/pasted the formula - so I'm glad! ; )
  • Thank you so much Paul! (I had seen a similar formula elsewhere, but couldn't understand the logic to it to convert it. So for others like myself without experience using the DATE or LEFT/RIGHT/MID functions, a quick explanation: First, the formula starts with a DATE function, which takes the format of 4-digit year,…
  • Thanks Paul. hmmm, I didn't see that as an option in the drop-down - so I changed the information coming in to the default format of "04/27/18". The information copied from column 2 (a Text column), is still recognized as text, and not a date. Is there maybe a different way duplicate the row (different formula?) to make…
  • Thank you so much - that helps clear it up. So it seems that as long as someone is submitting content into the source sheet, and as long as a I have a formula in the calculation sheet that changes based on the new content coming into the source sheet (not using the TODAY function, like say a running total of one of the…
  • Interesting on a couple levels - first of all why it would recognize as text, and secondly why text would be considered greater than zero? Thank you for the suggestion. I may try to use this on my next one. (I went ahead and started on the additional calculated sum column before I saw your suggestion. I think it might be…
  • Just had a thought - maybe add an additional column that creates a sum of the original value, and then use that in my formula? would prefer not to have to do that though...
  • I used a Countifs formula, and checked if another column was not empty. This one is referencing another sheet, where 'Column1' is the checkbox column, and 'Column2' is a column that will always contain information for a row. =COUNTIFS({column1}, false, {Column2}, "<>")