

  • Since I may need to use the form again, I hid a number of the "columns", entry questions, and just modified the "headings" adding the language to let folks know that the event was cancelled and would be rescheduled later. Welcome any other suggestions since the link is still active and registration closes tomorrow.
  • Thanks, but I think they want to have time to respond to the various questions before submitting (smile). I explained that this was not like a program where you have an account setup and can open and close at will. I told them right. Thanks Craig. Amina
  • 谢谢斯蒂芬妮。我会的。
  • After submitting the question, I created a column on the sheet, and added a formula to count each time a certain training site was requested. Additionally I added conditional formatting to highlight that particular row. I will try the auto count and alert function when a certain number is reached. I have not seen in the…
    inWEBFORM Comment byAmina 03/18/16
  • Muchas gracias to you both
  • Tim, Thanks but this does not involve a row. What i was referring to is when you want to embed an attachment in the web form, such as an instructions page for the user to access. You have to use a link that they click on to access the instructions page, and then they can return to the web form and fill it out. I was…
    inWeb Forms Comment byAmina 01/07/16
  • Thank you for the question and the answer. Our dept has expanded so it may come in handy.
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