嗨@Andree Stara !我使用。gd创建URL。现在all hyperlinks don't work... What will be better way to change it?
Hi @Mashael ! I'm good. I hope You too) I read about it and I think the best way to using Dynamic View. But need to make extra pay for this app and our Company refused.
@Andrée Starå do You mean using URL and Hyperlink... Or exist the easier way?
Hi @Andrée Starå ! Thank you for quick answer) I'll try it.
@Andrée Starå I read about Dynamic View, I think this is a better way but now we're using Pro Plane and don't have access to it. Second question) How can I use "Search..." in the Report or it's possible only in the Sheets?
wow, thank You @Andrée Starå! now I can see it. through "Edit Row"...
@Andrée Starå I have locked important columns and hide not allowed columns. now users can see and change only allowed its.
@Andrée Starå I created the reports for the each user and shared to them. now they can see and edit only allowed columns. maybe you can suggest me an easier way
@Andrée Starå if possible, I would like to allow them to edit a couple of columns.
@Andrée Starå they can see only the columns I allowed.