
  • Might be possible to use a dropdown menu and formulas. For example, if column B = Accounting, add[email protected]to column C. If Column B = Human Resource, add[email protected]to Column C, etc. Or just create one form but make multiple version of the form within it (so all info goes to same main form).…
  • Yes a form, but a form that acts like a form to that specific update request that acts like a form. Even better, be able to set expiration deadlines on that specific row form. You guys have made a lot of improvements with a lot of features and there is still much more that can be made even better.
  • It's absurd that any editor can go and delete rows, accidentally or intentionally. There is really no reason why anyone other than the admin would need to delete rows. For Godsake please fix this and make it a priority. It's an enormous issue.
  • It's been about 9 months. Any progress with sharing specific rows and/or columns? Or that everyone knows the email address of everyone shared to the sheet? That is another huge confidentiality issue! Also what about the fact that editors also have the power to DELETE rows and, intentionally or unintentionally, wreak havoc?
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