I'm trying to do something similar. I have been tinkering with PowerBI and I'm trying to get a column in PowerBI that would contain a link. I've tested, in PowerBI, creating a custom column using the RowID from the properties of the row (in my Smartsheet). It worked like a charm. Problem is, I got the RowID manually. Is…
I'm trying to do this as well! essentially collapse the phases into one line, but when you do that it only shows one color across. Have you come up with any tricks or work arounds for this?
may be just be a little syntax issue. Does this help? =IF([app1]@row = [app2]@row, "https:URL", "")
我也有这个问题!我哈ve found that the dynamic views work quite well though. Have you looked into those?
I'm wondering if perhaps using a single sheet for all and have a form that each team member can fill in for data entry might be a better way to go. If it's a matter of you not wanting them to see each other's information, you could use a dynamic view. The dynamic view could be for the team members to view and it can be…
This is exactly what i'm trying to do! Any luck yet?
There is a formula glossary here: Setup: Formula Handbook - Also, if you try to retype the formulas, it might be a little easier to add the reference data. There are different (better) ways to reference other sheets. I have to assume "Contract" and "Invoice" are additional sheets within smartsheet as well…
What data are you selecting when you get this error? I've had this happen and it's frustrating.
Is there a way to automate creating a proof in the first place? I'm seeing info online saying to create a proof you must be an editor. I have editors (free users) testing this for me and it does not seem possible.
Actually, I have 172 rows with content, and 14,225 row because of the blank row that are added. It's now affecting other sheets where I have calculations referencing this sheet because there are too many rows!