Thank you - that helps and now it works :)
Thank you so much that works :)
excellent thanks so much for your reply, this is great!
I guess we just want a nice way to display some data from smartsheet and email it to our clients regularly - any ideas would be appreciated.
What about an easy way to email 100's of clients with a snapshot of their current dashboard - so we wouldn't want to go and manually take a screenshot every day and email it to them...! Can the dashboards be emailed as PDF's??
Also a question, can you have a cell reference instead of a text value as the search value? for example instead of the example below: =VLOOKUP("T-Shirt", [Clothing Item]1:Stock3, 2, false) change to =VLOOKUP([Product]1, [Clothing Item]1:Stock3, 2, false) where [Product]1 is a column in the current sheet (not the look up…
Hello, in terms of formulas slowing down sheets at times, would this vlookup formula be better to use rather than a long nested If formula (which we are currently using for prices)?
This would be a great feature! If you publish a report, is it viewable by anyone? or do you have to log in to view?
Yes we have exact same problem!! Smartsheet please we would love your help on this is a critical piece of our business systems.
I am also wondering if it is a problem isolated to office365 I wonder how we can get that checked?