Thanks @David Joyeuse @David Jazz , I ended up with the following formula to achieve the same result as CONTAINS. It is a lot more messy. =IF(IFERROR(MATCH(TODAY(), [Date1]@row:[Date3]@row), 0) -1) > 0, "True", "False") Logic: MATCH todays date in the range will give me the column position, i,e positive number If it is…
Exactly what I wanted. It worked for me.
I am using INDEX / MATCH to populate a cells in a CONTACT LIST column from a CONTACT LIST column in another sheet. However it is returning the individuals first and last name as TEXT and not making it a Contact. How can I make this return a contact? Reading the posts it seem like I need to create a Contact List sheet and…
Thanks Andree, I will share with you. Regards
I too am finding the process of sharing access to non-licensed users to be messy. If you use the "send notification" approach then they need to create an account before they get screen which utilises single sign. If you use the "share a link via email" approach then they are signed up for the 30 day free account.
I have the same issue too. Very frustrating. Unfortunately I cannot find the request for enhancement to vote for it.
Thanks Andree, I have had a condition where if if 'Ready for Approval" is one of "Yes" then the request for approval should be sent to the Sponsor. The 'Ready for Approval' is something the Project leader would set to 'yes' when completing the form. This is still not triggering the next step in the workflow. It works if I…
I have exactly the same need and still looking for a solution.
Great that worked for me. Can the Approver's comments be saved to a column in the Sheet? I can see the comment it in the Conversation column of the sheet. Or is there another way for the Approver to update some column within the Approval Request.
Hi Andree, Thanks for this. Your response gives me comfort that I think I am on the right track. My solution involves your points 1 and 3. My 4 step approach is a s follows, let me know if there was an easier way. * Project sheet* I have created a sheet to capture the essential information about a sales opportunity; track…