

  • @Brian555 In our case, one blueprint used dynamic reports, and the other did not. The sharing intake and summary didn't seem to impact the one that used it. Blueprint A, had a A1 sheet against which a dynamic report was run. Blueprint B, did not have sheet A1 and no dynamic reports.
  • If you search the community in google like this: This answer comes up: Try modifying this formula for your use case. It might do the trick. Though, you are missing a use case which is two out of the tree are checked. What would you like to…
  • @lisa.bolger27646 it would help to show a screen capture of your sheet to see how you set it up.
  • @Monica J It would help if described your use case further -- are these studies undertaken in a specific order or any order? Are you displaying these results or simply looking to see the "final" value and reporting that value on a dashboard? The easiest way to do this if you are using a visual is not to use checkboxes but…
  • Hi Jerry, This is a testing issue to see where or if there is an error in the statement. And, someone would need to build up a big example sheet to test this. So, you should provide a complete sheet if you are asking the community to test it for you. When testing a nested function like this, test each IF by itself to make…
  • @Amanda G Lima the issue you are speaking to is a new one. Not the one I wrote this for...though I did submit this new issue as well just this week. Additionally, we have an issue where edits to these hypertext link text (not the URL) are not carried down through to the Metadata and the sheets that consume it. It is…
  • This would depend on the Smartsheet Element you want your test to exercise. Are you checking that automations kick off? That a function resolves? Interactions between sheets?
  • This is a debug problem. Create "Helper Columns" to simplify your function. Each helper column would contain one of your long row concatenations, for example: Helper_ActiveDesc the column would be a text column containing ([Facility Name]@row+" "+"Active/Multisport" + " " +[Program Day of Week]@row +" " + [Season]@row)…
  • @Paola yes, that is what we are seeing. We have over 500 projects in our intake. The "solution" Support is providing is to reprovision via a fake update. As a fix, it is temporary at best. The next change in an intake column is updated in a project reprovisioned in this way, the link again fails.
  • Can you provide a screen capture of the form the operators use?