

  • @Genevieve P. Thanks so much for your suggestion! I think you're right that there has to be an easier way than setting up such a complex formula. Every time I tried to set up a formula, there was an issue. I think there may be a bug with the Max Date Modified formula. It wasn't showing up the correct information.…
  • Hi @Camille Try this as a column formula in the Activity Indicator column. If I'm understanding your needs to correctly, you want that column to be automated based on the Status column. =IF(CONTAINS("Ongoing", Status@row), "Active", IF(CONTAINS("Stopped", Status@row), "Not Active", "")) Let me know if this helps!
  • Hi, @Genevieve P. It looks like you helped other people with kind of formula, so I'm hoping that you can help me out, too! I'm managing a data entry project and trying to be as efficient as possible. I have a smartsheet with a list of all the links to all the job postings that need to be entered. I plan to have my team…
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