Hi @Austin Whisenant, Someone else just posted a log in issue as well. Please reach out to support so they are aware!
Hi @IT_DEPT_TRANSARC, Please make sure to submit your issue to support so they are aware!
Hi @TJ Norris, Have you considered creating a row report? The filtering functionality in reports is more robust and will definitely get you what you need.
Try =if([Fiscal Year 2022?]@row=1, SUMIFS([Item Value]:[Item Value], [Fiscal Year 2022?]@row, 1, [Patient ID]:[Patient ID], [Patient ID]@row), "")
Hi @steven.nienaber105336 I believe you would have to separate each column into its own value formula: SUM(VALUE([Formula - Work Experience 18-19]@row):VALUE([Formula - Work Experience 21-22]@row)) Alternatively, you could do =VALUE([Formula - Work Experience 18-19]@row)+VALUE([Formula - Work Experience 21-22]@row)
Hi @bcncarlesc, I know you mentioned wanting to avoid a status column, but I think that may be your best bet. This will confirm a human actually reviewed the item even if no other changes were needed. This status column would then be a good trigger for the next part of the workflow.
Hi @bluefish, By manual entry, I mean that you, a human, literally type the percentage into the cell. So, say I'm 50% thru, I just type 50 into that column. The sheet then rolls up the percentages to any parent rows automatically. You cannot use a formula to control this if you are using the % complete column.
Hi @Susan Swisher, It would help to understand what you need to sum or compare from the third column. Can you provide more details?
Hi @DeMetria Hines, You need to identify one criterion per pair, so where you have "Analysis Approved", "Project Approved", "Task Approved", "Under Review" all listed for the [Request Status]:[Request Status], it is unable to figure out what you are asking for. You might be better off using the <> (not equal to) to filter…
Hi @emma.blake, You would need to use SUMIFS if there are multiple criteria. =SUMIFS([Item Value]:[Item Value], [Fiscal Year 2022?]@row, 1, [Patient ID]:[Patient ID], [Patient ID]@row) The syntax of sumifs is slightly different than sumif. The range you wish to sum must go first.