I am trying to make a formula that inserts the date when a selection is made in a drop down cell in another sheet. For instance, the user selects "IIMC / INSTRUMENT" in the training drop down. I want the date it was selected to fill into the other sheet. Dropdown. I want the date to go into this cell on a separate sheet.…
I am trying to set up a formula that pulls data from a form / sheet to a master sheet. When a user fills out a form (see pic) I would like the date to auto populate in the corresponding column on a different sheet. Example: The "flight review" box is checked on the form and submitted. On the master sheet, the date the form…
I am trying to sum the totals from another sheet that fall within the last 30 days. I've tried the "TODAY(-30) function but can't get it to work correctly. I'm assuming I need to add something to this formula that is currently giving me an all time total: =SUMIF({Flight Activity Report Range 1}, MATCH(PILOT@row, {Flight…
I am trying to bring data in from another source sheet. This source sheet is updated as users submit forms. So when a user submits a form with new data, a new top row is created on the source sheet. I would like it to auto update my master tracking sheet. Is this possible with vlookup? The issue is I need it to be specific…
So I have all the formulas working correctly. After users click on the dropdown buttons, a numerical value is assigned and this is totaled in the background on my sheet. Is there a way to make this total number display on the form itself? I would like the total from all the form buttons to auto fill the "total risk value"…
会很高兴能形式autofill as you fill out. After users click on the dropdown buttons, a numerical value is assigned and this is totaled in the background. I would like the total from all the form buttons to auto fill the "total risk value" box. Then users can make a decision based on the total value.
I am a newb with smartsheet and still learning. I am building a risk assessment tool and the form for the end user has check boxes. Each box gets a specific value based on risk. So anything from one box to all of them could be checked. I need the total of all boxes checked. Here's where I am stuck: =IF([FLIGHT PROFILE]@row…