I know that the smartsheet charts app is still in production, but is it possible to have sheet containing North American states and hyperlinks, then using the 'map' chart, click on a particular state and then it will take you to that hyperlink?
Hello, I have (2) fields on a sheet that are driven by dates. here is an example: =if(and(today()>=date(2019,9,1),today()
Hi everyone, someone on my team brought this to my attention and i want to see if anyone else has experienced this. I have a sheet where the 90% of the data is entered via a form. the remaining 10% of data is filled in afterwards once some additional information is received. my team member says that he is 1000% certain he…
Hi everyone, I have a sheet in which I have parents and children. I only want to get a count of the parents. I have seen other posts that recommend adding a blank line at the top and making everyone a child. Is there another way around this? I have attached a screen shot.
Hi everyone. i have a sheet where all entries are made via a form. all of the users with access to the sheet are "Editors, can/can not share". Today they attempted to add or change data to a line and save. when they went back into the sheet, the changes were not made. Any idea what is going on? I am the sheet owner and can…
i'm trying to attach files to my dashboard, but the widget is only giving me the option of attaching a file via 'Box'. is there a way around this? if attaching a file to a regular sheet, I have the option of attaching it from my computer but not the dashboard.
Good afternoon, I created a webform that useres could input data to even though they may not have a smartsheet account. Is there a way for any user to submit the form, and then have it come to me directly for approval before populating the sheet?