有a formula that will capture the created date for new entries on a form? Once the form is completed, I would like a column to automatically populate the day that row was added from the form so I can track response times. Is there anything like that available other than the audit log?
I have a column with 6 options and I am trying to create a statement in another column that says: =IF((Stage1) = "Opportunity", "d73ba1f2-91ba-435e-9480-a2ccf08b36aa", IF(Stage1) = "Contact", "0137cc9c-51b4-40fb-bf06-73174c348733") I have 6 total stages but can't seem to get this to work. Any advice? Geneva
有a formula that would count the number of cells where a Done check is not completed but only when another columns due date is in the past? The goal is to count how many past due tasks I have. Does anyone know the best way to accomplish this?