Smartsheet Security & Governance

Powerful capabilities to help protect and manage your data in Smartsheet

For customers working with sensitive data or in regulated industries, stringent information security and governance are paramount. Smartsheet Security & Governance provides an essential set of robust capabilities to support oversight, security, and the ongoing management of your Smartsheet Plan.


Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK)

CMEK enable customers to control the key that Smartsheet uses to encrypt and decrypt your data. By maintaining control of this key via Amazon Web Services’ Key Management Service (KMS), you can unilaterally and at your discretion prevent all parties from accessing any of your company data — even Smartsheet.

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Data Egress Policies

Data egress policies govern external collaboration and help prevent confidential data from leaving your Smartsheet account by restricting external stakeholders from taking actions like publishing, printing, or exporting.

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Event Reporting

Event reporting provides a detailed feed that reflects a comprehensive list of events tracked by the Smartsheet API, with the ability to ingest that feed into common CASB environments (including Microsoft MCAS and McAfee MVISION) for parsing and analysis. This feed can also be used to implement data loss prevention controls.

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Data Retention Policies

Data retention policies allow admins to set rules that automatically remove old or unused content from your Smartsheet account based on configurable triggers (i.e. “delete sheets if they haven’t been accessed in 90 days and were created over two years ago”), lowering risks associated with ongoing storage of unused company data.