28 kostenlose Vorlagen für das Zeitmanagement

ByKate Eby| 8. Mai 2017(aktualisiert 17. August 2023)

Zeitmanagement umfasst die Organisation und Planung Ihrer Zeit, damit Sie das meiste aus Ihrem Tag herausholen und Ihre Ziele erreichen können. Wenn es Ihnen schwerfällt, Arbeits- und Lebensanforderungen unter einen Hut zu bekommen, können Sie ein paar einfache Tools nutzen, um sich nicht so überfordert zu fühlen und um sicherzustellen, dass Sie wichtige Aufgaben nicht übersehen – manchmal ist eine einfache „To-do-Liste“ alles, was Sie zur Planung Ihres Tages benötigen. Zeitmanagement kann Ihnen auch dabei helfen, sich Ziele zu setzen, Aufgaben nicht aufzuschieben, Verantwortlichkeiten zu priorisieren und sogar zu analysieren, wofür Sie Ihre Zeit aktuell aufwenden. So können Sie Praktiken, die zu viel Zeit beanspruchen, schnell anpassen.

Auszuwerten, wie Sie Ihre Zeit nutzen oder einen Wochenzeitplan zu erstellen, hört sich zwar nach zusätzlicher zeitaufwendiger Arbeit an. Allerdings kann ein wenig Vorbereitung viel zur Steigerung der Effizienz und Zeitersparnis beitragen – ganz zu schweigen davon, dass Sie weniger Stress haben, sobald Sie besser steuern können, wie Sie Ihre Zeit nutzen. Egal ob Sie Student, berufstätig, Elternteil oder alle drei sind – Ihre Verantwortlichkeiten und Prioritäten können sich von Monat zu Monat und Jahr zu Jahr ändern. Zeitmanagement-Tools helfen Ihnen, Ihren Zeitplan besser an Ihre Lebensbedürfnisse anzupassen und sicherzustellen, dass Sie sich auf Ihre kurz- und langfristigen Ziele konzentrieren können. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass der Sinn und Zweck des Zeitmanagements nicht darin liegt, so viel wie möglich in kürzester Zeit zu erledigen. Stattdessen können Sie damit gewährleisten, dass Sie Ihre Zeit sinnvoll nutzen und genug Zeit in wichtige Aufgaben investieren.

Entdecken Sie die kostenlosen, anpassbaren Vorlagen zum Herunterladen oder Ausdrucken, um Ihnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern. Alle Vorlagen bieten ein simples Format und ein professionelles Erscheinungsbild. Finden Sie Vorlagen für Zeitpläne und Kalender, Tabellen für das Zeitmanagement in Excel und Arbeitssheets für Word und PDF.

24-Hour Activity Log Template

24-Hour Activity Log Template

Download a 24-hour Activity Log Template for


An activity log provides a record of how you are spending your time on a daily and weekly basis. Similar to the time study template above, this time management spreadsheet captures all of your tasks in one place so that you can see exactly where your time is going. This Excel template is intended to record your full day, not just work hours. To use the template, keep track of all your activities over a period of time, and then assess how your time is being spent and where you’d like to make changes.

Download one of thesefree timesheet and time card templatesto help ensure your team accurately accounts for its time.

Time Management Plan Template

Time Management Plan Template

Download a Time Management Plan Template for
Excel|Microsoft Word

Use this time management plan template to outline an effective strategy for managing your time and achieving your goals. The template features day-by-day columns for scheduling tasks, meetings, breaks, and other activities in half-hour increments. With its user-friendly design, this template empowers individuals and organizations to optimize their time and resources, enabling them to accomplish their objectives efficiently and maximize their productivity.

Time Management Calendar Template

Time Management Calendar Template

Download a Time Management Calendar Template for
Excel|Microsoft Word

In today's fast-paced world, effective schedule management is crucial for individuals and organizations. This time management calendar template offers a comprehensive solution for scheduling appointments, activities, deadlines, and other commitments, while also providing a reminder system for important tasks or events. Whether printed and filled out manually or used digitally, this versatile template is designed to help you manage your time efficiently, prevent over-scheduling or double-booking, and maximize the productivity of your valuable time resources.

Time Budget Template

Time Budget Template

Download a Time Budget Template for


When you create a financial budget, you subtract expenses from income and evaluate the difference. For a time budget, subtract all the time spent on various activities (including sleep and personal time) from the 168 hours available in a week. This time budget template is a quick tool for assessing your time management and working toward a balanced schedule.

Ensure optimal time allocation and accurate tracking of hours for your team with this extensivecollection of free Excel timesheets and time card templates.



Download a Task Tracker Template for


This time management sheet allows you to track your time usage along with the priority, status, and due dates of each task. You can modify the spreadsheet to include any additional information, and use the “Comments” column to record notes, provide instructions, or add important reminders. This template is helpful for organizing your to-do list or for creating a log of completed and pending tasks.

Try one of thesefree task list and checklist templatesto ensure that every task is completed by your team, leading to the success of your project.

Daily Planner Template

Daily Planner Template

Download a Daily Planner Template for
Excel|Microsoft Word

Use this versatile daily planner template for comprehensive daily schedule planning. With hour-by-hour intervals broken down into 15-minute increments, you can effectively manage tasks in smaller increments. The template also provides space to list reminders, priorities, and highlight important tasks, allowing you to personalize it for personal or business use.

To explore more ways to optimize your daily scheduling, check out these comprehensive collections of free, downloadabledaily task manager templatesanddaily work schedule templates.

Weekly Schedule Template

Weekly Schedule Template Word

Download a Weekly Schedule Template for
Excel|Microsoft Word

Customize this time management schedule template by setting the desired time interval and start date to meet your specific requirements. Choose from time intervals ranging from 10 to 120 minutes, allowing you to tailor the level of detail according to your preferences. A well-designed weekly schedule incorporates a balance of fixed and flexible activities, enabling you to create a comprehensive plan and establish a structured routine.

To discover more about ensuring that your schedules are fully optimized, see thisarticle on project schedule templates.

Yearly Calendar Template (2023)

2023 Yearly Calendar Template

Download the 2023 Yearly Calendar Templatefor Excel

如果你需要一个全年日历模板,这个交货cel version provides all 12 months in a simple layout that is easy to view and modify. You can use the yearly calendar template for long-term planning while tracking your weekly and monthly schedules. Set both short- and long-term goals, and use the calendar to plan your steps toward meeting those objectives.

Shift Schedule Template

Shift Schedule Template

Download a Shift Schedule Template for


You can use this template to manage daily and weekly shift rotations among employees. The schedule template provides a simple grid for entering the shift type or location for a given time period. You can quickly get a broad overview of the schedule as well as precise work details for each employee. Simply edit the shift descriptions and hourly time intervals to match your business and scheduling needs.

10-Week Planner Template

10-Week Planner Template

Download a 10-Week Planner Template for


Anyone can use this template to create a master 10-week schedule, but students may find it particularly useful for semester planning. The 10-week calendar provides a blank slate for adding whatever activities and due dates you need to track. Planning a schedule over a longer time frame can provide a greater sense of organization and help you work toward longer-term goals.

Four-Year Student Plan Template

Four-Year Student Plan Template

Download a Four-Year Student Plan Template for


This four-year template was designed with college students in mind, and provides sections for each year of school. Plan out which classes you intend to take and the number of credits needed for graduation. With this template, you get a broad overview of your semester, yearly, and four-year plan, which gives you an idea of your course load and helps ensure that you don’t overlook any graduation requirements.

Business Time Study Template

Business Time Study Template

Download a Business Time Study Template for


You can use this Excel template to conduct a workplace time study, tracking how much time is being spent on certain tasks. Record all tasks in the first column, and then add the number of minutes spent on each item for each day. Fill out this template throughout the day to ensure accuracy, and be sure to include break times or unexpected activities that arise. At the end of the week, you’ll know the frequency and duration of interruptions.

Class Schedule Template

Class Schedule Template

Download a Class Schedule Template for


Whether you’re adjusting to the demands of college life and living away from home or approaching graduation with too many tasks to manage easily, a class schedule can help you establish a weekly routine and stay on top of responsibilities. Choose the start time for your day, time interval, and the week’s starting date, and then enter your daily class schedule along with any other appointments, activities, or deadlines. You may also want to dedicate certain hours to studying to make sure you have adequate time set aside.

Homework Planner Template

Homework Planner Template

Download a Homework Planner Template for

Excel|Microsoft Word

This template lists classes for each week day so that you can create a homework schedule, manage study time, and plan for upcoming due dates. Keeping track of all your assignments in one spreadsheet can give you an idea of how much time you need to devote to homework on a given day or week. You can edit the template for your specific classes, and adjust the dates. Customize this template according to your specific classes and easily modify the dates as needed.

Prioritized Task List Template

Prioritized Task List

Download a Prioritized Task List Template for

Microsoft Word

Prioritizing tasks is essential for effective task management. This user-friendly Word template allows you to create a hierarchical list, placing high-priority tasks at the top and low-priority items at the bottom. Additionally, if you have numerous high-priority tasks, you can create an "If I Finish Everything Else" list to identify items that can be addressed once all essential tasks are completed.

Procrastination Management Worksheet

Procrastination Management Worksheet Template

Download a Procrastination Management Worksheet for

Microsoft Word

即使仔细评估时间表,attainable goals, and a long-term plan in place, you may still encounter procrastination tendencies. This worksheet can help you identify which activities you tend to put off or avoid altogether. Knowing what areas of your life are most affected by procrastination can provide insight into why you might be neglecting certain tasks and what you can do to change this.

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