Applies to
去ogle Geocode Reference Guide
Timezone Lookup
The Timezone Lookup module allows you to retrieve the current timezone data for a particular latitude/longitude combination. This includes the difference from UTC and if there is a daylight savings offset.
This is useful if you are attempting to identify the local time of a user.
Timezone lookup fields
- Lat/Long: a reference to the first location
- Second Lat/Long: a reference to the second location
Timezone Lookup returned data
- Daylight Savings Offset
- UTC Offset
- 时区ID
- Timeszone Name
- Status
Geocode Address or Lat/Long
Use this module to retrieve an address or coordinates for a location.
Geocode Address fields
- Location: reference an address in this field if you want to retrieve the location's coordinates
- Lat/Long: reference coordinates in this field if you want to retrieve the location's address
- Return: Choose the information you want returned
- All
- Country
- Street Number
- Route (Street)
- Postal Code
TheLocationentered doesn't have to be an exact address, however the more detail you use the more accurate the information is that’s returned.
Geocode Address returned data
的returned data is dependent on the value you selected in theReturndropdown.
- Status
- Address Components(varies based on location entered)
- Long Name (of each address component)
- Short Name (of each address component)
- Type (of each address component e.g. street number)
- Formatted Address
- Geometry
- Boundary coordinates
- Location coordinates
- Viewport坐标
- Location Type
- Status
- Address Components(varies based on coordinates entered)
- Long Name (of each address component)
- Short Name (of each address component)
- Type (of each address component e.g. point of interest or postal town)
- Formatted Address
- Geometry
- Location coordinates
- Viewport坐标
- Plus code
Opening Hours
The Opening Hours module allows you to go down different paths in a workflow based on the date and time by specifying times you areopenvsclosed.
The module automatically takes into account daylight savings changes, and you can specify multiple open and close times in any given day or week.
Opening Hours fields
- Location:a reference to the location to be used
- Lat/Long: a reference to the coordinates to be used
- Opening Times: times when you are open